Installation i-on40Page 14Figure 23 Opening External Prox ReaderFigure 24 shows the details of the external proxreader backplate:1. Fixing hole.2. Cable entry.3. Anchor for retaining screw.Figure 24 External Prox Reader Fixing PlateFit External Prox ReaderUse M4 25mm countersunk screws at both fixingholes when mounting the back of the keypad onthe wall. Ensure the screw has a thread suitablefor the wall material.Connecting Remote Prox Reader toKeypadSegregate the external prox reader cable fromany other wiring such as mains supply cables,telephone cables, computer network cables andR.F. cables. Use cable ties to keep cablesseparated.Keep the prox reader cable clear of cablessupplying sounders or extension loudspeakers.Figure 25 shows the wiring connections at thekeypad.Figure 25 Connecting the External Prox ReaderTone Volume – All KeypadsTo alter the volume of non-alarm tones from thekeypad adjust the keypad sounder volume control(2 in Figures 8 and 12, and 4 in Figure 14):LouderNote: This control changes thevolume of non-alarm tones (forexample Exit/Entry tone). Thevolume of alarm tones is fixed.SofterStep 3. Connect Control Unitto MainsWARNING: ENSURE THAT THE MAIN SUPPLYIS DISCONNECTED AND ISOLATED BEFOREMAKING ANY MAINS CONNECTIONS. All mainselectrical connections must be carried out by aqualified electrician and must comply with thecurrent local regulations (e.g. IEE).Mains CablingMake sure that the mains supply cable does notrun vertically behind the aerials within the controlunit case.If you wish run mains cable through the side of thecase, make sure that they are horizontal for thelast metre before entering the case.1123