i-on40Page 11. IntroductionThe i-on40 is the control unit for a hybridwired/wirefree alarm system intended for domesticand light commercial use.The control unit comprises an ABS plastic casewhich contains the radio transceiver, powersupply and backup battery. Up to four separatewired keypad(s) can connect to the control unit bystandard alarm cable.The i-on40 at release 4 uses i-kp01 keypads withsoftware version 2.0 and above. The keypadsallow end users to set and unset the system, andthe installer to configure the control unit. The i-kp01 keypad also contains an integral proximitytag reader, allowing end users to control thesystem without having to remember accesscodes.Note that to work correctly the i-on40 must befitted with at least one wired keypad.The following types of keypad are also availablefor connection to the i-on40:KEY-K01 This keypad has no internal proxreader, and is supplied in a squareformat case.KEY-KP01 This product, supplied in the samecase as the KEY-K01, has aninternal prox reader and alsoprovides terminals for an externalprox reader KEY-EPKEY-KPZ01 This product, supplied in the samecase as the KEY-K01, has aninternal prox reader and alsoprovides terminals for up to twozones, a programmable output, andan external prox reader KEY-EPA range of wireless peripherals is available foroperation with the control unit. These include adoor contact/universal transmitter, a passive infrared detector, smoke detector, external siren, 4button remote control, and remote radio keypad.The control unit supports up to 16 wired alarmzones, 24 wirefree alarm zones, up to 16hardwired outputs, 50 four-button remote controls,50 two-button radio panic alarms, and 50 users.See page 26.This control unit is designed and approved to beused as part of a Security Grade 2 system.CommunicationsThe i-on40 provides sockets for an add-oncommunication module. The available modulesare:i-dig02(ATS2)A switched telephone network(PSTN) module that allows thecontrol unit to report alarminformation using standardprotocols such as Fast Format, SIAand Contact ID, and can also sendtext messages over the PublicSwitched Telephone Network(PSTN). The i-dig02 also allowsremote maintenance using Eaton’sSecurity Business Downloadersoftware.i-sd02(ATS2)A speech dialler and PSTN modulethat allows the control unit to sendrecorded speech messages andreport alarm information usingstandard protocols such as FastFormat, SIA and Contact ID. Themodule can also send textmessages over the PSTN. The i-sd02 also allows remotemaintenance using Eaton’s SecurityBusiness Downloader software.i-gsm02(ATS2)A GSM module that allows alarmreporting, speech messaging andSMS text messaging over themobile phone network. Note that aSIM card is not included with themodule.The control unit also provides outputs that can beused to fit a “plug by” communicator.To comply with EN50131 you must fit an ATS2communicator.Level Setting or Partitioned SystemThe i-on40 offers two basic ways of behaving asan alarm system:Part Setting. In a Part Setting system the i-on40can set in one of four ways: either Full set or threevarieties of Part Set. In Full set the control unitpays attention to all detectors. In each of the threePart Sets the control unit ignores detectors that donot have the appropriate Part Set attribute.Partitioned System. In a Partitioned system the i-on40 provides the equivalent of four, smaller,independent alarm systems. Each system is a“Partition” of the i-on40. You can allocate anyzone to each Partition. Each zone can also belongto more than one Partition. Each Partition canhave a Full Set level and one Part Set Level.During installation the installer can allocatekeypads, sounders or outputs to any of thepartitions.This manual shows the simple procedure requiredto install the control unit and its keypad. When youhave completed the physical installation pleaseconsult the Programming section for details ofconfiguring the system to meet your exactrequirements.