Introduction Menvier300Page 2detectors that do not have the appropriate PartSet attribute.Ward Based System. In a Ward Based Systemthe Menvier300 provides the equivalent of 20,smaller, independent alarm systems. Each systemis a “Ward” of the Menvier300. You can allocateany zone to each Ward. Each zone can alsobelong to more than one Ward (although Eaton’sSecurity Business recommends that each zonebelongs to one Ward only, simply to make theresulting system easier to program). Each Wardcan have a Full Set level and one Part Set level.During installation the installer can allocatekeypads, sounders or outputs to any of theWards.For a detailed description of the Installer’sprogramming menu please readMenvier40/100/300 Engineering Guide availablefrom Programming InterfaceOnce fitted and powered up, you can program thecontrol unit through any wired keypad connectedto the bus cable. The Installer Menu allows you tospecify all the operating parameters for anindividual installation.If you wish, you can also program the system froma PC or laptop connected to the Ethernet port onthe control unit PCB. The control unit contains aweb page server, and you can use any webbrowser to see a complete version of the Installermenu. Please see the Menvier Web Server SetupGuide for more instructions.Note that Eaton’s Security Business recommendsusing Internet Explorer. Other browsers may notbe fully compatible with the built-in web browserinterface.In addition, it is possible to connect a PC or laptopto the mini USB port on the control unit PCB anduse Eaton’s Security Business’s Downloadersoftware to program the control unit.Note: Some programming options can make theinstallation non-compliant with EN50131. Therelevant options are noted in the “Installer Menu”section of the Menvier40/100/300 EngineeringGuide.About this GuideThis guide shows the simple procedure requiredto physically install the control unit, connectkeypads, expanders and power supplies andpower up the system for the first time.When you have completed the physicalinstallation please consult the Menvier40/100/300Engineering Guide for details of configuring thesystem to meet your customer’s requirements. Foryour convenience page 30 of this installationguide contains a condensed reference table of theInstaller menu.