xChargeIn M Series FunctionsConfiguration manual V1.04 81© EATON5.2.4 RFID authorization with OCPP backend connectionIf the charging station or a charging network is controlled by an OCPP back-end, please note the following:● Teach in RFID cards:All RFID cards must be "centrally taught in" at the OCPP backend.● "Authorization" in the web interface to "ON":Each authorization request is relayed to the OCPP backend.● "Authorization" in the web interface to "OFF":A charging process can only be started without holding up an RFID cardif the predefined token set in the configuration is recognized and ac-cepted by the OCPP backend.InformationFor information on the functionality and the required settings of the OCPPbackend, refer to the specific manual of the system used.5.2.5 Start charging process with RFID authorizationTo start a charging process with RFID authorization, proceed as follows:1) Plug the vehicle into the charging station.2) Hold the RFID card, which was previously taught in, in front of the RFIDreader.3) The rising tone sequence and the green flashing LED bar indicate thatthe RFID card has been accepted.The charging process can now be started by the vehicle.4) If necessary, the charging process can be stopped prematurely by hold-ing the same RFID card in front of the RFID reader again.InformationEnable input X1For special device variants, the enabling of a charging session can also becontrolled via the enable input X1 (for connecting external componentssuch as a timer, photovoltaic system or home control). If this function hasbeen activated in the DIP switch settings, enabling a charging session willadditionally require a correct signal on the enable input X1. Further informa-tion can be found in the "Installation Manual".