16CS-800PRUNNINGs 7HEN ENGINE STARTS KEEP IDLING FOR A FEW minutes.s 3ET THE BRAKE LEVER IN THE UNLOCKED POSITION before starting to cut.s 0ULL THROTTLE TRIGGER GRADUALLY AND INCREASE revolution of the engine.s 4HE CHAIN STARTS RUNNING WHEN THE ENGINE reaches 3600 r/min approximately.s #ONlRM PROPER ACCELERATION AND LUBRICATION OF chain and bar.s 'IVE SEVERAL STROKES TO MANUAL OILER BUTTON TO confirm extra lubrication.s $O NOT RUN THE ENGINE AT HIGH SPEED unnecessarily.s "E SURE THAT SAW CHAIN STOPS MOVING WHEN throttle trigger is released.STOPPINGs 2ELEASE THROTTLE TRIGGER AND MOVE IGNITION SWITCH down to STOP position.NOTICEIf engine does not stop, pull choke control knobout fully to stop engine.Return the unit to your authorized ECHO dealerto check and repair stop switch before startingthe engine again.CHECKING CHAIN TENSIONs #HAIN TENSION SHOULD BE CHECKED FREQUENTLY during work and corrected as necessary.s 4ENSION THE CHAIN AS TIGHT AS POSSIBLE BUT SO IT can still be pulled easily along the bar by hand.CAUTIONDo not operate with a loose chain.CHAIN LUBRICATION TESTHold the chain just above a dry surface and openthe throttle to half speed for 30 seconds.A thin line of “thrown” oil should be seen on thedry surface.Ignition switchThrottle triggerUnlock chain brakeSTOPManual oiler