23 CS-800PMAINTENANCE AND CAREIMPORTANTTime intervals shown are maximum.Actual use and your experience will determinethe frequency of required maintenance.Your ECHO chain saw is designed to provide manyhours of trouble free service. Regular scheduledmaintenance will help your chain saw achieve thatgoal. If you are unsure or are not equipped with thenecessary tools, you may want to take your unit toan ECHO Service Dealer for maintenance. To helpyou decide whether you want to DO-IT-YOURSELFor have the ECHO Dealer do it, each maintenancetask has been graded. If the task is not listed askyour ECHO dealer for repairs.SKILL LEVELSLevel 1 = Easy to do. Most required tools comewith unit.Level 2 = Moderate difficulty. Some specializedtools may be required.ECHO offers REPOWERâ„¢ Maintenance Kits andParts to make your maintenance job easier. Justbelow each task heading are listed the various partnumbers required for that task. Ask your ECHOdealer for these parts.MAINTENANCE INTERVALSMaintenance Procedure Letter Codes:I = InspectC = CleanR = ReplaceMaintenance Procedure Notes:(1)= Low evaporative fuel tanks DO NOT requireregular maintenance to maintain emissionintegrity.* = All recommendations to replace are basedon the finding of damage or wear duringinspection.Component / system Maintenance procedureRequiredSkill levelDaily orBefore useEvery refuel3 Months or90 HoursYearly or600 HoursAir Filter Inspect / Clean / Replace 1 I / C * R *Automatic Oiler Inspect / Adjust 1 IOil Filter Inspect / Clean / Replace 1 I I / C *Fuel System Inspect / Replace 1 I (1) * I (1) *Fuel Filter Inspect / Replace 1 I * I / R *Fuel Cap Gasket Inspect / Replace 1 I * R *Guide Bar and Sprocket Nose Inspect / Clean / Lubricate 1 I / C * ISaw Chain Inspect / Sharpen / Replace /Tensioning 2 I *Sprocket Inspect / Replace 2 I *Spark Plug Inspect / Clean / Replace 1 I / C / R *Cooling System Inspect / Clean 2 I / CMuffler Spark Arrestor Inspect / Clean / Replace 2 I / C / R *Cylinder Exhaust Port Inspect / Clean / Decarbon 2 I / CRecoil Starter Rope Inspect / Clean 1 I / C *Screws / Nuts / Bolts Inspect / Tighten / Replace 1 I *