NO = Normally Open, NC = Normally Closed, C = Common, TX = Transmitter, RX = ReceiverFigure 4. Common Accessories wired to 425 D Control PanelP a g e 1 8J u l y , 2 00 63 9 0 24 v O pe r a t or A n d4 2 5 D C o n t r o l P a ne l I n st a l l a t i o n M a n u a lT HE 425 D CONTROL PANEL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSMagnetic LockReversing Photocells 3 & 4 Wire Radio Receivers(DC Radios Only)N.C.N.O.COM24 vdcRelay1212345AdditionalReversing Devices TXRXNOC-+If 4 Wire ReceiverActivation Devices(Free Exit Loop/ Phone/ Keypad)CNOPartial Activation Device(Open Motor 1only on a dual gate)CNO+- LockOPENACOMOPENBCOMCOMFSWCL-24V+24VELS -24V +24VELSLimit Sw itch JumpersIf limit switches are not being used thanthey must be jumped out as shown abov eCOM-24V+24V OPENAFCC2 FCA2FCA1COMF FCC1 ENC2ENC1