P ag e 6J u l y , 2 00 63 9 0 24 v O pe r a t or A n d4 2 5 D C o n t r o l P a ne l I n st a l l a t i o n M a n u a lT HE 390 24V O PERATORGENERAL C HARACTERISTICSThe FAAC 390 24v Operator is an automatic gateoperator for a residential swinging gate leaf that isideal for large columns.The self-contained 390 24v Operator consists of airreversible electromechanical motor and articulatedarm.The locking the 390 24v Operator provides in the fullyopened and fully closed positions is a service devicerather than a security device. Additional, external locksare recommended under the following conditions:∗ It is a solid-faced gate.∗ The length of the gate leaf is 6 ft (2 m) or longer.∗ The installation requires tight security.∗ The site is subject to vandalism.∗ The site is subject to strong or very gusty windIn two-operator gate installations, both (master/slave)operators are wired to one control panel.The electronic control panel is a microprocessor-basedcontroller that accepts a wide range of productaccessories and reversing devices, thus allowing forflexible gate system design.Also for the protection and proper operation of the 39024v Operator, each operator has available optional limitswitches.Built-in security and anti-crushing measures of the 39024v Operator include built in reverse on contact and atorque adjustment that controls the force transmitted tothe gate leaf through the 390 24v Operator.The Manual Release mechanism is a key-operated devicethat disengages (or engages) the gears in 390 24vOperator. When the drive is disengaged, you can openand close the gate leaf by hand. Such manual operationof the gate is necessary during installation and usefulduring prolonged power failures.The torque of the 390 24v Operator is set during BasicProgramming of the 425 D Control Panel. (see page 19for Basic Programming).Reversing devices (such as inductive loops andphotocells) should be installed to provide non-contactreversing operation.WARNING: To insure that the installation meets the UL325 Standards. A set of photo beam (Part Number785163) must be installed anywhere that an entrapmentwith the gate leaf(s) could happen.The 425 D also has a built in battery back-up systemthat can be used with the addition of 2 12V 7ahbatteries. The batteries must be wired in series toprovide 24VDC to the control panel during poweroutages.During prolonged power outages the manual releasemay be used if needed.Make sure that the gate structure is solidly built. Addreinforcing crosspieces if necessary to the gate leaves.Make sure that the gate moves smoothly on its hingeswithout excessive friction by swinging it opened andclosed by hand. If necessary, lubricate all the gate'smoving parts.Positive stops are needed with the 390 24v Operatorunless you have purchased the optional Limit Switch Kit(FAAC Part Number 390682)MANUAL R ELEASE MECHANISMTo manual release the 390 24v Operator perform thefollowing steps as shown in figure 3.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSInstalling the 390 24v Operator involves preparing thegate, installing the operator(s), installing the controlpanel, programming control panel, and connectingother operational controls.Note: The following installation instructions assumeyou are fully capable of installing an electromechanicaloperator on a gate. This manual does not instruct youin designing a gate, installing a gate (whether onmasonry, wood, or metal posts), or basic electricalwiring. The installation tasks discussed in this manualare tasks particular to the 390 24v Operator.PREPARE THE G ATEBefore you install the 390 24v Operator, you need toprepare the gate itself for the operator. Be sure to dothe following: