20Check the MotorísDirection of RotationAfter you have connected the main power supply, oneactivating device, and the operator(s) to the controlpanel, you need to check the direction of rotation foreach operator motor in your gate design.To check a motorís direction of rotation, you must havethree closed circuits on terminal block J3. Install onecircuit between terminals 11 and 13, another circuitbetween terminals 13 and 21, and another circuit (orstop device) between terminals 14 and 15.You cannot check the motorís direction of rotationwithout these circuits (jumpers) or the accessories.When properly prepared for testing, the LEDs DL2 andDL3 should be illuminated.WARNING! Running the operatoróeven fortesting purposesówithout a connectedreversing device is potentially dangerous. Donot place yourself within the path of themoving gate during your test.Disengage the operator(s) with the Manual Release key,and open the gate by hand about halfway.Next, engage the operator(s) with the Manual Releasekey so that you can check the rotation of the motor(s).Turn on the main power and send an activating signal tothe operator. The gate leaf (or leaves) should open. If agate leaf closes, then you need to turn off the mainpower and reverse the connection of the brown andblack (or red and black) wires on terminal block J2 forthe operator controlling that leaf. Then you need torecheck the rotation direction again.If your gate system has two operators, be sure the motorof each rotates in the correct direction.After having completed your test of the motorísdirection of rotation, replace any test circuits youinstalled (between terminals 11 and 13, between 13 and21, and between 14 and 15) with the proper reversingand stop devices. The instructions for installing suchaccessories follow.Connect Other DevicesWARNING! Turn the main power off beforeyou make any electrical connections or set anyswitches inside the control panel box.Now you can connect additional reversing and activat-ing devices to the control panel. Refer to Figure 13 forthe general control panel layout, and refer to Figure 14for the layout of the terminal strip.Note: The 450 MPS control panel allows amaximum accessory load of 500 mA.Power Supply for Accessories: You can access a 30VDC output for supplying power to accessories thatrequire DC voltage through terminals 9 and 10 (locatedabove the label 30 Vcc) on terminal block J3. In mostcases, this source can be used to power 24 VDCaccessories.Reversing Devices: Reversing devices includephotocells, inductive loops, and so forth. All of thereversing devices should have contacts of the normallyclosed (N.C.) type. Where you connect a devicedepends on whether you want the device to operateduring opening or during closing.Note: UL does not recognize the FAACsystem with loop detectors or safety edges.FAAC photocells must be used to comply withUL 325.Caution: Failure of a reversing device thatoperates during opening causes a gate to lockin the closed position and requires the use ofthe manual key release.To wire photocells, refer to Figure 14 (see FSWOP foropening photocells, and FSWCL for closing photocellsóconnect the photocells exactly as shown). See Figure 17for the wiring of inductive loops. In either case, if youhave multiple devices, wire them in series.