www.fmiproducts.com 112108-01D14VENTING INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONSContinuedINSTALLATION FOR VERTICALTERMINATION127,&(8VHULJLGSLSHRQO\)OH[YHQWLQJLVQRWWREHXVHGZLWKDYHUWLFDOWHUPLQDWLRQ1. Determine the route your vertical venting willWDNH ,I FHLOLQJ MRLVWV URRI UDIWHUV RU RWKHUframing will obstruct the venting system,consider an offset (see Figure 21) to avoidcutting load bearing members.Note: Pay special attention to these installa-tion instructions for required clearances (airspace) to combustibles when passing throughceilings, walls, roofs, enclosures, attic rafters,etc. Do not pack air spaces with insulation.Also note maximum vertical rise of the vent-ing system and any maximum horizontaloffset limitations. Offsets must fall within theparameters shown in Figure 22. 6HWWKH¿UHSODFHLQGHVLUHGORFDWLRQ'URSDplumb line down from the ceiling to the posi-WLRQRIWKH¿UHSODFHH[LWÀXH0DUNWKHFHQWHUpoint where the vent will penetrate the ceiling.Drill a small locating hole at this point.Drop a plumb line from the inside of the roofto the locating hole in the ceiling. Mark thecenter point where the vent will penetrate theroof. Drill a small locating hole at this point.X12Roof Pitch isx 12 ListedClearance8'MinimumListedVent CapLowestDischargeOpeningListedGasVentH (Min.) Height from RoofFigure 22 - Vertical Vent TerminationClearance522)3,7&+ + 0LQFlat to 6/12 1.0'6/12 to 7/12 1.25'Over 7/12 to 8/12 1.5'Over 8/12 to 9/12 2.0'Over 9/12 to 10/12 2.5'Over 10/12 to 11/12 3.25'Over 11/12 to 12/12 4.0'Over 12/12 to 14/12 5.0'Over 14/12 to 16/12 6.0'Over 16/12 to 18/12 7.0'Over 18/12 to 20/12 7.5'Over 20/12 to 21/12 8.0'Figure 21 - Vertical Vent Pipe OffsetsPlumber’sTapeConnectedto WallStrapWallStrapFirestop(2) 45°ElbowsFirestop(2) 45°ElbowsRoofFlashing)ODW&HLOLQJ,QVWDOODWLRQ1. Cut a 10 3 /4" square hole in the ceiling usingthe locating hole as a center point. The open-ing should be framed to 10 3/4"x10 3/4" insidedimensions, as shown in Figure 18 on page13 using framing lumber the same size as theFHLOLQJMRLVWV,IWKHDUHDDERYHWKHFHLOLQJLVDQLQVXODWHGFHLOLQJRUDQDWWLFVSDFHQDLO¿UHVWRSfrom the top side. This prevents loose insula-tion from falling into the required clearancespace. If the area above the ceiling is a livingVSDFHLQVWDOO¿UHVWRSEHORZWKHIUDPHGKROH7KH¿UHVWRSVKRXOGEHLQVWDOOHGZLWKQROHVVthan three nails per side (see Figure 23).Figure 23 - Installing FirestopIf area above is a living space, install¿UHVWRSEHORZIUDPHGKROH,IDUHDDERYHLVDQDWWLFLQVWDOO¿UHVWRSabove framed hole.