www.fmiproducts.com112108-01D 19INSTALLATIONContinuedFigure 33 - Removing LouverGlassLocatingHolesSpring LatchRecommendedBlower SpeedControlLocation(/(&75,&$/+22.83)25237,21$/%/2:(5$&&(6625<Before blower accessory can be operated, the ap-pliance outlet box must be properly connected toa standard 120 VAC power source. This must bedone when the appliance is originally installed.Refer to Wiring Diagrams on page 31.An outlet box with two receptacles has been sup-plied for your convenience and is located on thelower right side of the appliance (see Figure 34).The variable speed controller is mounted on amagnetic base and may be positioned anywherewithin an accessible distance behind the louveredopening (see Figure 33).You may test the blower for operation by turningWKHFRQWURONQREFORFNZLVHMXVWXQWLOLWFOLFNVRQZKLFKLVWKHIXOORQSRVLWLRQ$GMXVWWKHIDQVSHHGto the lowest setting (this should be no more than1/4 of a turn clockwise).Figure 34 - Connecting BlowerAccessory to Power SupplyFor OptionalFan KitFrom BlowerAssembly237,21$/:,5(/(66+$1'+(/'REMOTE CONTROL INSTALLATIONNote: If using an optional wireless hand-heldremote control, the wall switch is no longeroperational.127,&(2QO\XVHDONDOLQHEDW-WHULHV QRWLQFOXGHG ,QVWDOOLQJ+5&0RGHO5HPRWH&RQWURO0LOOLYROW0RGHOV2QO\ 5HPRYH ORZHU ORXYHU DFFHVV SDQHO LQ ¿UH-place (see step 1 of Wall Switch Installation,page 18).2. Disconnect wall switch wires from termi-nals marked TH and TPTH (see Figure 32,page 18).3. Slide 9-volt battery into clip on back of remotereceiver and connect battery terminals to bat-tery. Mount receiver onto bracket with clipsprovided (see Figure 35).4. Connect white wire to control valve terminalTH and red wire to TPTH. Move remote selectswitch to REMOTE position.5. Replace louvered access panel by followingreverse of step 1 under Wall Switch Installa-tion, page 18.6. Remove battery cover on back of hand-heldremote (see Figure 36, page 20). Remove anddiscard sensor tag.7. Attach terminal wires to 9-volt battery. Placebattery into housing.8. Replace battery cover onto hand-held remote.9. Set selector switch on receiver to OFF posi-tion if you will be away from the unit for anextended period of time.FRONTOFFP ILOTONLOHIPILOTE A16AI7TPTH TP THFigure 35 - Installing Remote Receiver(HRC100)GasValveTo ThermopileReceiver ClipTerminalWiresPlastic Mounting Clips9-Volt BatteryWhiteRed&$87,21'XHWRKLJKWHP-SHUDWXUHVPDNHVXUHZLUHVDUHQRWWRXFKLQJXSSHU¿UHER[