www.fmiproducts.com112108-01D 3Modles (V)DVF36TCRE, (V)DVF36TCRPE, (V)DVF36TCLE and (V)DVF36TCLPE use a directspark ignition with a 24 VAC control module.All models have HI/LO valve that controls theÀDPHKHLJKWFan Kit models DVFFBK are available for theseunits as an option. If you are uncertain as to whatgas your unit is equipped for, please check therating plate located in the interior of the applianceopening or consult your local distributor of FMIPRODUCTS, LLC products.&DUERQ 0RQR[LGH 3RLVRQLQJ Early signs ofFDUERQPRQR[LGHSRLVRQLQJUHVHPEOHWKHÀXZLWKheadaches, dizziness or nausea. If you have theseVLJQVWKH¿UHSODFHPD\QRWEHZRUNLQJSURSHUO\Get fresh air at once! +DYH ¿UHSODFH VHUYLFHGSome people are more affected by carbon monoxidethan others. These include pregnant women, peoplewith heart or lung disease or anemia, those under theLQÀXHQFHRIDOFRKRODQGWKRVHDWKLJKDOWLWXGHV1DWXUDODQG3URSDQH/3*DV Natural and propane/LP gas are odorless. An odor-making agent is addedto the gas. The odor helps you detect a gas leak.However, the odor added to the gas can fade. Gasmay be present even though no odor exists.Make certain you read and understand all warnings.Keep this manual for reference. It is your guide toVDIHDQGSURSHURSHUDWLRQRIWKLV¿UHSODFH :$51,1* $Q\ FKDQJH WRWKLV¿UHSODFHRULW¶VFRQWUROVFDQEH GDQJHURXV 'R QRW PRGLI\WKLV¿UHSODFHXQGHUDQ\FLUFXP-VWDQFHV$Q\SDUWVUHPRYHGIRUVHUYLFLQJPXVWEHUHSODFHGSULRUWRRSHUDWLQJ¿UHSODFH:$51,1*'RQRWXVHDEORZ-HULQVHUWKHDWH[FKDQJHULQVHUWRURWKHUDFFHVVRU\QRWDSSURYHGIRUXVHZLWKWKLV¿UHSODFH :$51,1* 7KLV DSSOLDQFHLVRQO\IRUXVHZLWKWKHW\SHRIJDVLQGLFDWHGRQWKHUDWLQJSODWH7KLVDSSOLDQFHLVQRWFRQYHUWLEOHIRUXVHZLWKRWKHUJDVHVXQOHVVDFHUWL¿HGNLWLVXVHG'$1*(5&DUERQPRQR[LGHSRLVRQLQJPD\OHDGWRGHDWK%HIRUHEHJLQQLQJWKHLQVWDOODWLRQRIWKH¿UHSODFHread these instructions through completely. 7KLV)0,352'8&76//&¿UHSODFHDQGLWVcomponents are safe when installed accordingto this installation manual. Unless you useFMI PRODUCTS, LLC components, whichKDYHEHHQGHVLJQHGDQGWHVWHGIRUWKH¿UHSODFHV\VWHP\RXPD\FDXVHD¿UHKD]DUG 7KH )0, 352'8&76 //& ZDUUDQW\ ZLOObe voided by and FMI PRODUCTS, LLCdisclaims any responsibility for the followingactions:D 0RGL¿FDWLRQRIWKH¿UHSODFHFRPSRQHQWVdoors, air inlet system and damper control.b) Use of any component part not manufacturedor approved by FMI PRODUCTS, LLC incombination with a FMI PRODUCTS, LLC¿UHSODFHV\VWHPc) Installation and/or operation in a mannerother than instructed in this manual.d) Burning of anything other than the type ofgas approved for use in this gas appliance.This appliance, when installed, must be electri-cally grounded in accordance with local codes, orin the absence of local codes, with the NationalElectrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.The installation must conform to local codes, or inthe absence of local codes, with the National FuelGas Code ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54.This appliance complies with ANSI Z21.50 as aVENTED GAS FIREPLACE and is listed andtested by the PFS Corporation.Proper installation is the most important step inensuring safe and continuous operation of the¿UHSODFH&RQVXOWWKHORFDOEXLOGLQJFRGHVDVWRthe particular requirements concerned with theLQVWDOODWLRQRIDOOIDFWRU\EXLOW¿UHSODFHV7KLV¿UHSODFHPXVWEHLQVWDOOHGE\DTXDOL¿HG FHU-WL¿HGRUOLFHQVHG VHUYLFHSHUVRQ,WKDVDVHDOHGgas combustion chamber that uses a millivolt gascontrol valve with a millivolt ignition system.Models (V)DVF36TCR, (V)DVF36TCRP, (V)DVF36TCL and (V)DVF36TCLP are direct-vent¿UHSODFHVZLWKVHDOHGFRPEXVWLRQFKDPEHUVWKDWuse a millivolt gas control valve with a millivoltignition system.SAFETY INFORMATIONContinued