20 enSetting the speed (Figure 10)WSG14-70ET.The speed can be set to different levels.To increase the speed:➤ Briefly press button.Reducing the speed:➤ Keep button pressed down.The speed set is shown by the symbols on thespeed display.The last speed setting used is stored in thepower tool after stopping the motor or afterpulling out the mains plug from the mainssocket.➤ The speed can be preset when themains plug is inserted, also when themotor is at a standstill.Operation (Figure 11).➤ Continuously press one of the 4switchpads. The angle grinder is kept atworking speed.Notes: The switchpads actuate easily in orderto prevent tense working postures. Changingthe working posture is possible at any time bychanging the switching position. The anglegrinder can be brought up to the workingspeed again within 1.5 seconds by pressingone of the 4 switchpads.The self-start lock prevents the angle grinderfrom automatically restarting again, even aftera brief interruption of the power supply, e.g.,from a pulled mains plug.2500/min 3000/min5000/min5900/min 7000/min3500/min 4200/min2500/min3000/min3500/min5000/min5900/min7000/min4200/minFig. 10Speed regulationbuttonSpeed displayFig. 113 41 01 121 21 0.book Seite 20 Montag, 22. August 2011 1:11 13