35State of CaliforniaDepartment of Health ServicesWater Treatment DeviceCertificate Number97-1291Date Issued: June 10, 1997Trademark/Model DesignationReplacement ElementsGE Water by Culligan Filtration System FXRC NoneManufacturer: Culligan International CompanyThe water treatment device(s) listed on this certificate have met the testing requirements pursuant to Section 116830 of theHealth and Safety Code for the following health related contaminants:Microbiological ContaminantsInorganic/Radiologicaland TurbidityContaminantsCysts (protozoan) LeadTurbidityOrganic ContaminantsNoneRated Service Capacity: 200 gallonsRated Service Flow: 0.5 gpmDo not use where water is microbiologically unsafe or with water of unknown quality, except that systems claiming cyst reduction may beused on water containing cysts.