Customer ServiceTroubleshooting TipsOperating InstructionsSafety InstructionsInstallation Instructions7When Your Refrigerator Is First Plugged InHow the Monitor and Diagnostic System WorksAll panel lights come on for five seconds,a beep sounds, and lights go off except asfollows:nPF flashes in the display. TouchSYSTEMCHECK-RESET to erase it.nNORMAL glows.nWARM TEMP glows until the refrigeratorcools down. It goes off when proper food-keeping temperature is reached.n Door alarm beeper is activated andDOORALARM glows.nCRUSHED ICE glows.nDOOR OPEN flashes if either door is open,goes out when doors are shut.n Night light in ice and water dispenseris off.How to Set the Door AlarmTo set the alarm pressDOOR ALARM until itglows.The control beeps if either door is open formore than 30 seconds.The light goes out and the beeping stopswhen you close the door.DOOR ALARMON/OFFWhy the WARM TEMP Light GlowsAt first, it’s probably because your newly-installed refrigerator hasn’t completelycooled down yet. Wait a few hours for it tocool, and then the light will go out.From then on,WARM TEMP will glowwhenever temperatures inside get too highfor proper food storage. If this happens,open the doors only when absolutelynecessary, and close them as quickly aspossible.As soon as inside temperatures return tonormal, the light goes out.IfWARM TEMP reappears and stays on forlonger than 4 hours, call for service.WARMTEMPThe diagnostic code flashes and the controlbeeps when something starts to go wrong.If more than one coded function requiresattention at the same time, the one with thehighest priority will be displayed first.PressingSYSTEM CHECK-RESET will erasetwo codes immediately—PF andCI. ThedEandFF codes can only be erased by pressingSYSTEM CHECK-RESET after the conditionthat caused the code to flash has beencorrected.SYSTEM CHECK-RESET will also evaluateall other coded functions. IfNORMAL islit during the displaying of a code, thatfunction is operating properly.SYSTEMCHECKRESET