Refrigerator Warranty. )RUFXVWRPHUVLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV$OOZDUUDQW\VHUYLFHSURYLGHGE\RXU)DFWRU\6HUYLFH&HQWHUVor an authorized Customer Care® technician. To schedule service,RQOLQHYLVLWXVDWJHFRPRUFDOO*(&$5(6 Please have serial number and model number available whencalling for service. Service trips to your home to teach you how to usethe product. Improper installation, delivery or maintenance. Failure of the product if it is abused, misused, or used forother than the intended purpose or used commercially. Loss of food due to spoilage. Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit breakers. Damage caused after delivery. 'DPDJHFDXVHGE\DQRQ*(EUDQGZDWHU¿OWHU 5HSODFHPHQWRIWKHZDWHU¿OWHUFDUWULGJHLILQFOXGHGGXHWRZDWHUSUHVVXUHWKDWLVRXWVLGHWKHVSHFL¿HGRSHUDWLQJrange or due to excessive sediment in the water supply. 5HSODFHPHQWRIWKHOLJKWEXOEVLILQFOXGHGRUZDWHU¿OWHUcartridge, if included, other than as noted above. 'DPDJHWRWKHSURGXFWFDXVHGE\DFFLGHQW¿UHÀRRGVor acts of God. Incidental or consequential damage caused by possibledefects with this appliance. Product not accessible to provide required service.What GE Will Not Cover:This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for home use withinWKH86$,IWKHSURGXFWLVORFDWHGLQDQDUHDZKHUHVHUYLFHE\D*($XWKRUL]HG6HUYLFHULVQRWDYDLODEOH\RXPD\EHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUDWULSFKDUJHRU\RXPD\EHUHTXLUHGWREULQJWKHSURGXFWWRDQ$XWKRUL]HG*(6HUYLFHORFDWLRQIRUVHUYLFH,Q$ODVNDWKHZDUUDQW\H[FOXGHVWKHFRVWRIVKLSSLQJRUVHUYLFHFDOOVWR\RXUKRPH6RPHVWDWHVGRQRWDOORZWKHH[FOXVLRQRUOLPLWDWLRQRILQFLGHQWDORUFRQVHTXHQWLDOGDPDJHV7KLVZDUUDQW\JLYHV\RXVSHFL¿Flegal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. To know what your legal rights are, consult\RXUORFDORUVWDWHFRQVXPHUDȺDLUVRȻFHRU\RXUVWDWH·V$WWRUQH\*HQHUDOWarrantor: General Electric Company. Louisville, KY 402256WDSOH\RXUUHFHLSWKHUHProof of the original purchasedate is needed to obtain serviceunder the warranty.(;&/86,212),03/,(':$55$17,(6³:DUUDQW\$Q\LPSOLHGZDUUDQWLHVLQFOXGLQJWKHLPSOLHGZDUUDQWLHVRIPHUFKDQWDELOLW\RU¿WQHVVIRUa particular purpose, are limited to one year or the shortest period allowed by law.41For The Period Of: GE Will Replace:GE, GE PROFILE, and GE CÁFE MODELS:One Year Any part of the refrigerator which fails due to a defect in materials or workmanship.From the date of the During this limited one-year warranty, GE will also provide, free of charge, all labor andoriginal purchase related service to replace the defective part.Thirty Days Any part RIWKHZDWHU¿OWHUFDUWULGJHZKLFKIDLOVGXHWRDGHIHFWLQPDWHULDOVRUZRUNPDQVKLS:DWHU¿OWHULILQFOXGHG During this limited thirty-day warranty, GE will also provide, free of charge, a replacement waterFrom the original ¿OWHUFDUWULGJHpurchase date ofthe refrigeratorGE PROFILE and GE CÁFE MODELS ONLY:Five Years Any part of the sealed refrigerating system (the compressor, condenser, evaporator*(3UR¿OHPRGHOVRQO\ and all connecting tubing) which fails due to a defect in materials or workmanship.From the date of the During this OLPLWHG¿YH\HDUVHDOHGUHIULJHUDWLQJV\VWHPZDUUDQW\GE will also provide,original purchase free of charge, all labor and related service to replace the defective part in the sealedrefrigerating system.