About the temperature controls. GEAppliances.comNOTE: 7KHUHIULJHUDWRULVVKLSSHGZLWKSURWHFWLYH¿OPFRYHULQJWKHWHPSHUDWXUHFRQWUROV,IWKLV¿OPZDVQRWUHPRYHGduring installation, remove it now.The temperature controls are preset in the factory at 37°F (& for therefrigerator compartment and 0°F (& for the freezer compartment.Allow 24 hours for the temperature to stabilize to the presetrecommended settings.Refrigerator temperatures can be adjusted between 34°F and 46°F(1°C to 8°C), and the freezer temperatures can be adjusted between –6°Fand +8°F (–21°C to –13°C).To change the Refrigerator temperature:LCD Models:Access By: Home > RefrigeratorActivate By: Using the arrows to select the desired temperature.You must press ENTER to set the new temperature.To change the Freezer temperature:Access By: Home > FreezerActivate By: Using the arrows to select the desired temperature.You must press ENTER to set the new temperature.Once the desired temperature has been set, the display willreturn to the HOME screen and show the set temperaturesunderneath the actual temperature display for several seconds.Several adjustments may be required. Each time you adjustthe controls, allow 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach thetemperature you have set.7XUQLQJWKHFRROLQJV\VWHPRȺLCD models: Turning the cooling system OFF stops cooling in both theIUHH]HUDQGUHIULJHUDWRUFRPSDUWPHQWVEXWGRHVQRWVKXWRȺHOHFWULFDOpower to the refrigerator.LCD Models:Access By: Home > Options > Information and Settings >&RROLQJ6\VWHP2ȺTo turn the cooling system back on, press the touch screen andpress the ON button.Activate By: Pressing ENTER.The Performance Air-Flow System is designed to maximizetemperature control in the refrigerator and freezercompartments. This unique special feature consists of theAir Tower along the back wall of the refrigerator and the AirTunnel on the bottom portion of the freezer rear wall. PlacingIRRGLQIURQWRIWKHORXYHUVRQWKHVHFRPSRQHQWVZLOOQRWDȺHFWperformance. Although the Air Tower and the Air Tunnel can beUHPRYHGGRLQJVRZLOODȺHFWWHPSHUDWXUHSHUIRUPDQFH )RUremoval instructions, on-line, contact us at GEAppliances.comor call 800.GE.CARES. In Canada, contact us at geappliances.ca orcall 1.800.561.3344.)Performance Air Flow System5LCD modelsNot all features are on all models. Your controls may be similar to the following: