About the automatic ice maker.Automatic Ice maker7KHLFHPDNHUZLOOSURGXFHVHYHQFXEHVSHUF\FOH³approximately 100–130 cubes in a 24-hour period, dependingon freezer compartment temperature, room temperature,number of door openings and other use conditions.If the refrigerator is operated before the water connection ismade to the ice maker, set the power switch in the OFF position.When the refrigerator has been connected to the water supply,set the power switch to the ON position.The ice maker will fill with water when it cools to 15°F (–10°C).A newly installed refrigerator may take 12 to 24 hours to beginmaking ice cubes.You will hear a buzzing sound each time the ice maker fills withwater.Throw away the first few batches of ice to allow the water lineto clear.Be sure nothing interferes with the sweep of the feeler arm.When the bin fills to the level of the feeler arm, the ice maker willstop producing ice. It is normal for several cubes to be joinedtogether.If ice is not used frequently, old ice cubes will become cloudy,taste stale and shrvCAUTION Avoid contact with the moving parts ofthe ejector mechanism, or with the heating element (locatedon the bottom of the ice maker) that releases the cubes.Do not place fingers or hands on the automatic ice makingmechanism while the refrigerator is plugged in.Special note about dispenser models: Some models have a tilt-out ice bin. The bin can be tilted outas shown in the illustrations, and it will hold itself up while youtake ice out or turn the ice maker power switch on and off. Besure to put the bin back in place before closing the door. To restore your ice level from an empty bucket stage, thefollowing steps are recommended:12 hours after the first batch of ice has fallen into the bin,dispense 3 to 4 cubes.After an additional 6 hours, dispense 3 to 4 cubes again.These steps will restore your ice level in the shortest amount oftime.A newly installed refrigerator may take 12 to 24 hours to begin making ice.Ice makerFeeler ArmPowerSwitch(on some models)Ice makerFeeler ArmPowerSwitchGreenPower Light(on some models)NOTE:In homes with lower than average water pressure, youmay hear the ice maker cycle multiple times when makingone batch of ice.14