GE Service Protection Plus '_'GE, a imme recog_fized _;odd_;kte fbr q_mlhy' and depeildabHhy, offers }(mService Protectio_ } h_s --comp_ ehe_s_ e protecti(m o_ all yore" appliai_ces--No Matter What Brand!Benefits Include:* Backed by GE* All brands covered. U_imited service calls. _ parts and labor costs included* No out-of-pocket expenses* No bidden deductibles* One 800 nnmber to callWe ?i Cover Any Appliance°Angwhoro. Angtfmo.Yim wi]] be completely satisfied wit]] oLlr service [:)rotectiom_ or vol_ may reql_est yore" mom_ev backo_ the remaim_im_g x'ab_e of yol_r tom, tract. No ql_estiom_s asked. It's that simple.Protect vol_r reIHger_to_; dishwasher; washer a_/d d_ye_; raN_ge, TVI VCR al_d m_ach more--any brand!Pbas there's _o extra charge ti)r emergel_cy service m_d ]o_* mol_tb]y fi_la_ci_g is a_ai]_b]e. Eve_ icemakercover_ge _md %od spoilage protectiol_ is oftered_ '_)_ ca_ rest eas}, ki_owi_g that a]] vo_r w_bmb]ebo_sebo]d prod_cts are protected agai_st expel_sive repairs.for moreCtll helePlease place in envelope and mail to:General Electric CompanfWarranty Registration DepartmentP.O. Box 32150Louisville, KY 40232-215{)73