Care and cleaning of the freezer.Cleaning Your FreezerOutside. Protect the paint finish. Thefinish on the outside ot the fl'eezer is ahigh quality, baked-on paint finish.X._]th proper care, it Mll stay nm_qookingand rust-fl'ee tor veai_. Apply a coat otappliance polish wax when the freezeris new and then at least twice a veal:Appliance polish wax also works well torelnove tape residue fl'om fl'eezerS/lI'tilces,Keep the finish clean. '_,_]pe Mth a cleancloth lightly dampened Mth appliancepolish wax or mild liquid dishwashingdetergent. Dry and polish with a clean,sott cloth. Do not wipe the freezer with asoiled dishwashing cloth or wet towel.Do not use scouring pads, powderedcleanex_, bleach, or cleanex_ containingbleach.CAUTION: Care shouM be taken in mowng thefreezeraway from the wall. Aft types of floorcoveringscan be damaged,particularly cushionedcoveringsand those with embossedsurfaces.Inside. Clean the inside of wmr freezer atleast once a veto: _'e recommend that theti'eezer be unplugged belin'e cleaning. Ifthis is not practical, wring excess moistureout of sponge or cloth when cleaning inthe vicinity of switches, lights or controls.Use w;mn water and baking sodasolution--about a tablespoon of bakingsoda to a quart of water: Rinse thoroughlywith water and wipe d_w: Do not usecleaning powde_ or other abrasivecleaners.An open box of baking soda in thefl'eezer Mll absorb stale freezer odo_.Change the box eve_T three months.