IMPORTANTSAFETYINFORMATION.READALLINSTRUCTIONSBEFOREUSING.WARNING!HOWTOCONNECTELECTRICITYDo not, under anv circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord.For personal safe_ this appliance must be properlv grounded.The power cord of this appliance is equippedwith a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mateswith a standard 3-prong (grounding) wall outlet tominimize the possibili_' of electric shock ha/m'dfl'om this appliance.Have the wall outlet and circuit checked bv aqualNed electrician to make sure the outlet ispropedy grounded,11 the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, itis your personal responsibili_, and obligation tohave it replaced with a propedy grounded 3-prongwall outlet.The fl'eezer should always be I)lugged,, into its ownindividual electrical outlet which has a _oltaoerating that matches the rating plate,This provides the best pe_l'o_mance and alsoI_rexents oxerloading, house wiring, circuits whichcould cause a fire hazard fl'om oxerheated wires.Never tmphlg your fl'eezer by pulling on the powercord. _Mways grip [)lt/_r_fimfl) and pull straight ()titfl'om the outlet.Repair or replace immediately all power cords thathave become fl'ayed or otherwise damaged. Do notrise a cord that shows CI'IICkS Of" abi'asion daIl/ageahmg its length or at either end._,_]_en moving the ti'eezer away fi'om the wall, becareful not to roll over or damage the power cord.READANDFOLLOWTHISSAFETYINFORMATIONCAREFULLY.SAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONS4