– 22 –Dealer Demo ModeModel PFE29 with LCD DisplayTo enter the dealer demo mode, press Lock Controlsand Precise Fill pads simultaneously for 3 seconds.Entering Demo Mode will be displayed. The lightsand fans (if previously operating) will still operate,but the compressor will not operate. Exit demomode by pressing the same buttons again.When dealer demo mode is active, the following willoccur:• The compressor is off at all times.• All heaters will be disabled.• The icemaker(s) are turned off, but control willoperate the display function.• The fans and dampers may run if prompted by auser setting change.• Opening the doors will not turn on the fans.• Liner protection mode is active.• The deli pan LED lighting will work normally.• The deli fan will turn on at the heating mode speed.• The deli pan settings will remain the samebetween door openings, as the set points are notreset.• LED lighting will come on when the door or draweris opened and stay at full power for 8 minutes ifthe door remains open.• After 8 minutes, the LEDs will start to lower theirintensity in a smooth transition over the next3 minutes to 75% of their original power andremain there until the door(s) is closed. Closing andreopening the doors will restart the timer.• The user can activate and deactivate the DoorAlarm, Lock, Dispenser Light, and Reset Filterfunctions.• The user can adjust the temperatures, but thecooling components will not operate.• The user interface will display the actualcompartment temperatures.• The paddle and switch will not operate dispensercomponents if pressed.• The Turbo Cool and Turbo Freeze can be turned onand off, but no cooling action will be initiated.• The Precise Fill feature can be selected andamount of water set, but water valve will not beactivated.Video• The Auto Fill can be set, but will not activate watervalve.• In Demo Mode, when the Auto Fill button ispushed, a video tutorial will play uninterrupted for49 seconds, then return to the demo home screen.Once the video starts, it cannot be stopped.(Continued next page)