278. Press and hold the SET and UP button for 5 secondsto cancel regeneration, and cycle the control back tothe service position.9. Start another regeneration. Advance the controller tothe brine refill position (C8) to prime the line betweenthe regenerant tank and the valve (conditioner only).A. Slowly open the main water supply valveagain to the fully open position. Be sure not toopen too rapidly, as that would push themedia out of the media tank.Note: As you advance through each cycle, there will be aslight delay before you can advance to the next cycle.There will be a pause after the brine draw and slow rinsecycles (system pause). This cycle allows the water/airpressure to equalize on each side of the valve discs.B. With the water supply completely open, whenyou arrive at the brine tank refill cycle, thecontroller will direct water down through theline and into the tank. Watch the bottom ofthe tank until all air bubbles have beenpurged from the line and the water level isrising.C. Let the water flow down the line to the tankonly until the rising water is vis able.D. Simultaneously press and release the SET andUP buttons to advance to the Brine Make-upcycle. After the Brine Make-up cycle isreached, press the SET and UP buttons toadvance to the Brine Draw/Slow Rinse cycle.10. Draw water from the regenerant tank.A. With the controller in this position, check tosee that the water in the regenerant tank isbeing drawn out of the tank. The water level inthe tank should recede very slowly.B. If the water in the regenerant tank does notrecede, or goes up, refer to theTroubleshooting section.11. If the water level is receding from the regeneranttank, wait for the tank check valve to stop the waterflow. Press the SET and UP buttons to advance thecontroller back to the treated water position.12. Finally, turn on a faucet plumbed after the waterconditioner. Run the faucet until the water runs clear.The Water Conditioning System is NowFully Operational.