GE Multilin B90 Low Impedance Bus Differential System B-7APPENDIX B B.3 FILE TRANSFERSBe) READING EVENT RECORDER FILESTo read the entire event recorder contents in ASCII format (the only available format), use the following filename:EVT.TXTTo read from a specific record to the end of the log, use the following filename:EVTnnn.TXT (replace nnn with the desired starting record number)To read from a specific record to another specific record, use the following filename:EVT.TXT xxxxx yyyyy (replace xxxxx with the starting record number and yyyyy with the ending record number)B.3.2 MODBUS PASSWORD OPERATIONThe B90 supports password entry from a local or remote connection.Local access is defined as any access to settings or commands via the faceplate interface. This includes both keypad entryand the faceplate RS232 connection. Remote access is defined as any access to settings or commands via any rear com-munications port. This includes both Ethernet and RS485 connections. Any changes to the local or remote passwordsenables this functionality.When entering a settings or command password via EnerVista or any serial interface, the user must enter the correspond-ing connection password. If the connection is to the back of the B90, the remote password must be used. If the connectionis to the RS232 port of the faceplate, the local password must be used.The command password is set up at memory location 4000. Storing a value of “0” removes command password protection.When reading the password setting, the encrypted value (zero if no password is set) is returned. Command security isrequired to change the command password. Similarly, the setting password is set up at memory location 4002. These arethe same settings and encrypted values found in the SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP PASSWORD SECURITY menu via thekeypad. Enabling password security for the faceplate display will also enable it for Modbus, and vice-versa.To gain command level security access, the command password must be entered at memory location 4008. To gain settinglevel security access, the setting password must be entered at memory location 400A. The entered setting password mustmatch the current setting password setting, or must be zero, to change settings or download firmware.Command and setting passwords each have a 30 minute timer. Each timer starts when you enter the particular password,and is re-started whenever you use it. For example, writing a setting re-starts the setting password timer and writing a com-mand register or forcing a coil re-starts the command password timer. The value read at memory location 4010 can be usedto confirm whether a command password is enabled or disabled (a value of 0 represents disabled). The value read at mem-ory location 4011 can be used to confirm whether a setting password is enabled or disabled.Command or setting password security access is restricted to the particular port or particular TCP/IP connection on whichthe entry was made. Passwords must be entered when accessing the relay through other ports or connections, and thepasswords must be re-entered after disconnecting and re-connecting on TCP/IP.