LJsed adapter plugBecauseof potential safetyhazardsunder certain conditions,we strongly recommend againstuse of an adapter plug. However,if you still elect to use an adapter,where local codes permit, aTEMPORARYCONNECTIONmaybe made to a properly groundedtwo-prongwall outlet by use of aUL listed adapter (Fig. 2) availableat most local hardware stores.TEMPORARYMETHODPERRIHWIINCANAIIA) =(ADAPTERPLUGSNOTThe larger slot in the adapter mustbe aligned with the larger slot in thewall outlet to provide proper polarityin the connection of the power cord.CAUTION:Attaching adaptergroundterminal to wall outlet cover screwdoes not ground the applianceunless cover screw is metal, andnot insulated, and wall outlet is— groundedthrough house wiring. Youshould have the circuit checked bya qualified electrician to make surethe outlet is properly grounded.When disconnecting the powercord from the adapter, alwayshold the adapter with one hand.If this is not done, the adapterground terminal is very likely tobreak with repeated use.Should the adapter groundterminal break, DO NOT LEE theappliance until a proper groundhas been established.useofextension CcmtsBecause of potentialsafetyhazards under certain conditions,we strongiy recommendagainstthe use of an extensioncord.However,if you still elect to use anextension cord, it is absolutelynecessarythat it be a UL listed3-wire grounding type applianceextension cord having a groundingtype plug and outlet and that theelectrical rating of the cord be 15amperes (minimum) and 120volts.Such extension cords areobtainable through your localservice organization.Tlw freezer should alwaysbe plugged into its ownindividual electrical outlet—(115volt, 60 Hertz, single phase AC.Some models are also rated 100volt, 50 Hertz. Check the modeland serial number plate.)This isrecommendedfor best performanceand to prevent overloading housewiring circuits, which could causea possible fire hazard fromoverheating wires.LocationYourfreezer should be convenientlylocated for day-to-day use in a dry,well-ventilated room.For most efficient operation, itshould not be located where airtemperature around the freezer isever higher than I1O*F.or colderthan 32°F.Be sure to install your freezer on afloor strong enough to support itwhen it is fully loaded.Also see Energy-Saving Tipsregarding location.Allow 4 inches on top and 3 inchesat sides and back for proper aircirculation.AdjustableLegs ~Turn left to raise --right to lowerLegs at the front corners of thefreezer should beset so the freezeris firmly positionedon the floor,andthe front is raked just enough sothe door closeseasilywhen openedabout halfway.Starting1. Clean the inside of the freezerwith a mild solution of baking sodaand water (see page 12).2. Connect cord to power outlet.3. Turn temperature control toNo. 4, This is the normal setting forsafe, iong-term freezing. For coldertemperatures,turn to highernumbers.4. Aliow freezerto operatefor at leasttwo hours before placing food inside.Freezing temperature selection ismade by setting the control fromNo. 1 to No. 7 (coldest).Normal, safe freezing level isobtained by setting the control atNo. 4.OFF position permits turning thefreezer off without unplugging it.