GE CA10 Use And Care Manual
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Preparation for freezing1=Sort fruits for uniform ripeness,quality and size.2. Washfruits thoroughlyincold waterand drain thoroughly,3. Workwith smallquantitiesandfreeze quickly,4. Packin cartons,cutting or slicinglarger fruits, Add sugar or syrup.5. Toavoid discoloration of apples,apricots, peachesand pears,(1)addascorbicacid mixture to syrup (1tea-spoonto 1 cup of syrup)followingdirections on label, or (2)dip slices offruit for 1 minute in solution of 3 table-spoonslemon juice to 1 gallon water,rinse in cold water, drain, and pack insugaror syrup. Placecrumpled pieceof cello or waxed wrap on top of fruitbefore closirig to keep fruit in syrup.PackingAlwaysallow head space. Allow %-inchheadspace in pint containers (1 inchfor glass),l-inch head space in quartcontainers (2 inches for glass).Sweetening fruits helps retain flavor,color and texture. The method ofsweetening depends on fruit used.See chart at right for recommendedmethod.(a) Dry sugar pack. Suitabie for fruitsthat make their own juice when sugaris added. Add dry sugar (seechart atright) and stir gently until most of thesugar hasdissolved in the juice drawnfromthe fruit, then pour intocontainers.(b).Syrup pack. Suitable for fruitswhich have comparatively little juice,and those which darken readily. Addsyrup to cover fruit, Allow %-inchheadspace (1%inch for glass containers).(~) Unsweetened pack. Suitable forspecial diets.Guide far syrupCupsofsugarPercentage tobt?addedper Approximateofsvrtiu uht of water vieldinflinls+Recommemledfor mos[ frui[sMethod: Dissolve sugar in boilingwateror mix thorol,j~hly With cold Wateruntil dissolved. Chili before using.FRWT PREPARATION PACKAGING ~APPLES Wash, peed and slice apples to aboutYa-inch thickness. If apples are to bepacked in sugar, prevent discolorationby (1) steaming for IYz to 2 minutes, or(2) dipping in solution of 3 tablespoonslemon juice to 1 gallon water for 1minute, rinsing in cold water, anddraining, Solution may be reused.Syrup pack: Slice into container,cover with 40% syrup. Add 1 teaspoonascorbic acid to each cup of syrup.Sugar pack: Sprinkle % cup of sugarover each quart of apples. Stir to coverall surfaces with sugar. Seal, Adding1 teaspoon ascorbic acid to sugar is anextra precaution.APRICOTS Select firm, fully ripe fruit of bright, Syrup pack: Pack in container; coveruniform color. Wash and sort as to size, with 40Y0 syrup to which ascorbic acidHalve and remove pits. Peel and slice, has been added (1 teaspoon ascorbicif desired. Heat unpeeled fruit in boiiing acid to 1 cup syrup).water IY2minute. Sugar pack: Mix 1 teaspoon crystallineascorbic acid with YZcup of sugar andsprinkle over 1 quart of fruit. Stir.BERRIES Proper maturity is important. Immature (1) May be packed dry, or (2) packedberries should not be used. Wash in whole in a 40 to 50 Y’sugar syrup. (3) Forcold or iced water and drain thoroughly crushed or pureed berries, pack4 partson absorbent paper towels. of berries to 1 part of sugar. Stir untilsugar is dissolved. Seal.CHERRIES Wash, sort and stem. Chill in refrigerator Mix 1 part sugar to 4 or 5 parts fruitSour until firm enough to remove pits. by weight until sugar is dissolved.Pack. Seal.CHERRIES Prepare quickly in same way as sour Cover “with407. sugar syrup which con-Sweet cherries. However, sweet cherries may tains 1 teaspoon ascorbic acid per frozen whole, with or without pits.CRANBERRIES Wash in iced water, stem and eliminate Cranberries may be packed whole,poor berries. Drain well. without sugar, or in a 5070 sugar syrup,MELONS Select firm, well ripened fruit. Cut inCantaloupesCover with orange juice or 30% sugarhalf and remove seeds (remove water-Honeydewssyrup. Seal and freeze.melon seeds as you cut balls). ScoopWatermelons out melon balls or cut in 3~-inch cubes.These fruits may be frozen alone or incombination.ORANGE and Select firm fruit. free of soft spots. PeelGRAPEFRUITPack sections in layers. Cover grape-with sharp knife just below white fruit with 307. syrup containing 1SECTIONS membrane. Remove all membrane. teaspoon ascorbic acid per Quart.Cut sections from divider-membranes. Oranges do not need syrup. Stir inDrain. % teasPoon ascorbic acid per quart.PEACHES Promptness in handling is important. Pack immediately into cold 4CY$Z0syrupSort, peel (skins may be loosened by with 1 teaspoon ascorbic acid per cupscalding whole peach 30 seconds in in container; cover with more syrup.boiling water) and pit. Peel and slice 1 Seai.quart of peaches at a time.PEARS Select pears which are fully tree- Pack immediately in freezer carton.ripened. Wash, peel and core. Cut in Add 40% syrup to which ascorbic acidhalves or quarters, Heat in boiling 4070 has been added (1 teaspoon ascorbicsyrup for 1 to 2 minutes. Cool in syrup, acid to 1 cup syrup). Sealthen drain.PINEAPPLE Peel. core. slice or cube. Pack slices with two circles of cello-phane paper between each slice. Packwithout sugar or cover with 30Y0 syrup.Or, pineapple juice could be used.PLUMS and Sort, wash in iced water. Halve and pit, Pack in carton and cover with 40’70PRUNES or leave whole. syrup to which 1 teaspoon ascorbicacid has been added per cup. Seal.RHUBARB Wash, trim and cut stalks into l-inch Pack without sugar or cover with 40%pieces or in lengths to fit package. syrup. Allow head space, Seal,%3’”’virlghm?r-1h.liisPlfice unopenecjcontainers in refriger-ator,Serve whiIe fruit is stiIIs{ightIy icy.8 |
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