5-114 D60 Line Distance Protection System GE Multilin5.4 SYSTEM SETUP 5 SETTINGS5MODIFICATION OF SYNC WORD IN CFG-2 FOR TR 90-5 DATA SETSIn the CFG-2 file, all relevant information about the data being streamed is included. However, this file does not include thefact that it describes a 90-5 dataset or the number of Application Service Data Units (datasets). In order to communicatethis information via the CFG-2 file for a given aggregator, when the aggregator is set to 90-5, the version number of theCFG-2 file (found in bits 0-3 of the frame SYNC word - which should presently be set to 2) is set as follows:The PMU settings are organized in logical groups as follows.PATH: SETTINGS SYSTEM SETUP PHASOR MEASUREMENT UNIT PHASOR MEASUREMENT UNIT 1VALUE(DECIMAL) # OF ASDUS11 112 213 314 4 PHASOR MEASUREMENT UNIT 1 PMU 1 BASIC CONFIGURATION See page 5-115.MESSAGE PMU 1 CALIBRATION See page 5–119.MESSAGE PMU 1 TRIGGERING See page 5–120.MESSAGE PMU 1 RECORDING See page 5-127.