49-60763 Rev. 4 11In Case of Extended Power FailureŶ.HHSIUHH]HUGRRUFORVHGfrozen for 24 hours provided warm air is not admitted.Ŷ If freezer is out of operation for 24 hours or more, adddry ice. Leave ice in large pieces. Add more ice asrequired.CAUTION Handling of dry ice can causefreezing of the hands—gloves or other protection isrecommended.Ŷ If dry ice is not available, move food to a frozen foodlocker temporarily—until power is restored.Preparing to Move'LVFRQQHFWWKHSRZHUFRUGSOXJIURPWKHZDOORXWOHWRemove foods and clean the freezer.Secure all loose items such as baskets and shelves bytaping them securely in place to prevent damage.Be sure freezer stays in upright position during actualmoving and during transportation. The freezer must besecured during transportation to prevent movement.Protect outside of freezer with blanket.Preparing for VacationTo maintain freezer in operation during vacations,EHVXUH\RXUKRXVHSRZHULVQRWWXUQHGRII)RUVXUHprotection of freezer contents, you may want to aska neighbor to check the power supply and freezerRSHUDWLRQHYHU\KRXUV)RUH[WHQGHGYDFDWLRQVRUDEVHQFHV\RXPD\SUHIHUWRmove your frozen foods to a storage locker temporarily.If your freezer is to be left empty, disconnect power cordplug from wall outlet. To prevent formation of odors,place open box of baking soda in freezer and leavefreezer door open.When the freezer is not operating, it can be left in anunheated house or room without damage to cabinet ormechanism.Save Money/Save EnergyŶ The freezer should be located in thecoolest area of the room, away fromheat-producing appliances or heatingducts, and out of direct sunlight.Ŷ Let hot foods cool to roomtemperature before placing in thefreezer. Overloading the freezer forces the compressorWRUXQORQJHU)RRGVWKDWIUHH]HWRRVORZO\PD\ORVHquality or spoil.Ŷ Be sure to wrap foods properly, and wipe containersdry before placing them in the freezer. This cuts downon frost buildup inside the freezer.Ŷ Organize and label food to reduce door openingsand extended searches. Remove as many items asneeded at one time, and close the door as soon aspossible.Care and CleaningCARE AND CLEANING