6Care and cleaning of the refrigerator. geappliances.caBehind the RefrigeratorOnce a year, move the refrigerator out and vacuumthe back coils. Be careful when moving therefrigerator away from the wall. All types of floorcoverings can be damaged, particularly cushionedcoverings and those with embossed surfaces.Pull the refrigerator straight out and return it toposition by pushing it straight in. Moving therefrigerator in a side direction may result in damageto the floor covering or refrigerator.When pushing the refrigerator back, make sure youdon’t roll over the power cord.Cleaning the OutsideKeep the outside clean. Wipe with a clean clothlightly dampened with mild liquid dish detergent. Drywith a clean, soft cloth.Do not wipe the refrigerator with a soiled dish cloth orwet towel. These may leave a residue that can erodethe paint. Do not use scouring pads, powderedcleaners, bleach or cleaners containing bleach becausethese products can scratch and weaken the paintfinish.Protect the paint finish. The finish on the outside ofthe refrigerator is a high quality, baked-on paintfinish. With proper care, it will stay new-looking andrust free for years. Apply a coat of kitchen/appliancewax when the refrigerator is new, and then at leasttwice a year.Cleaning the InsideTo help prevent odors, leave an open box of bakingsoda in the fresh food and freezer compartments.Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning.If this is not practical, wring excess moisture out ofsponge or cloth when cleaning around switches,lights or controls.Use warm water and baking soda solution—about atablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda to a quart (1 liter) ofwater. This both cleans and neutralizes odors. Rinseand wipe dry.Other parts of the refrigerator—including doorgaskets, fruit and vegetable drawers, and all plasticparts—can be cleaned the same way.After cleaning the door gaskets, apply a thin layer ofpetroleum jelly to the door gaskets at the hinge side.This helps keep the gaskets from sticking and bendingout of shape. Do not use cleansing powders or otherabrasive cleaners.Defrost water pan. The non-removable pan islocated under the compressor at the rear of therefrigerator. It should be cleaned at least once a year.Move the refrigerator out from the wall as far asnecessary, and unplug the power cord from the walloutlet. Let the compressor cool before cleaning thepan. Use a clean cloth or sponge dampened in warmwater and baking soda solution—one tablespoon(15 ml) of baking soda to a quart (1 liter) of water. Donot use cleansing powders, abrasive cleaners, bleachor cleaners containing chlorides.Do not wash any plastic refrigerator parts in thedishwasher.Consumer Support Troubleshooting Tips Operating Instructions Safety InstructionsInstallationInstructionsTroubleshooting Tips InstallationInstructions Safety InstructionsOperating Instructions