PREPARE HOT WATER LINENOTE: GE recommends copper tubing for the water line, but if\RXFKRRVHWRXVHÀH[LEOHKRVHXVH*(·VWX28X326ÀH[LEOHbraided hose.• The water supply line (3/8” copper tubing or flexible braidedhose) may enter from either side, rear or floor within theshaded area shown.• The water supply line may pass through the same hole as theelectrical cable and drain hose. Or, cut an additional 1-1/2"diameter hole to accommodate the water line. If power cordwith plug is used, water line must not pass through powercord hole.Water Line Connection• If using a flexible braided supply hose, label the hose with theinstallation date to use as reference. Flexible braided hoses,elbows and gaskets should be replaced every 5 years.NOTE: Some flexible braided water lines contain a check valvewhich may stop the dishwasher from filling.• Turn off the water supply.• Install a hand shut-off valve in an accessible location, suchas under the sink. (Optional, but strongly recommended andmay be required by local codes.)• Water connection is on the left side of the dishwasher. Installthe hot water inlet line, using no less than 3/8" copper tubingor a flexible braided hose. Route the line as shown above andextend forward at least 19" from rear wall.• Adjust water heater for 120°F to 140°F temperature.• Flush water line to clean out debris.• The hot water supply line pressure must be 20-120 PSI.Turn page to begin dishwasher installation.6"4"Cabinet FaceShut-offValve2" From Floor19" From Wall2"FromCabinet1-1/2" Dia.HoleHotInstallation Preparation5