Dishwasher InstallationSTEP 9: SLIDE DISHWASHER THREE-FOURTHSOF THE WAY INTO CABINETIMPORTANT – Do not push against front panel withknees. Damage will occur.• Grasp the sides of the front panel and slide dishwasher intothe opening a few inches at a time.• As you proceed, pull the drain hose through the openingunder the sink. Stop pushing when the dishwasher extendsabout 6 inches forward of adjacent cabinets.• Make sure drain hose is not kinked under or behind thedishwasher.• Make certain the house wiring, drain line and water line donot interfere with components under dishwasher.Do not push againstfront door panel withknee. Damage to thedoor panel will occur.8STEP 10: INSTALL TRIM PIECES(on some models)Skip this step if trim is not supplied with the dishwasher.In this step you will need the trim pieces set aside in Step 1.• Position the trim pieces so the lips face toward thedishwasher door.6HOHFWDWULPSLHFHDQGSUHVVLWRQWRWKHOHIWVLGHWXEÀDQJHStart with the top edge and press the trim piece completelyRQWRWKHWXEÀDQJHDV\RXPRYHWRZDUGVWKHERWWRP5HSHDWIRUWKHULJKWVLGHWXEÀDQJHWULPSLHFHTop ViewTrimStripTrimStripFully seat to tub flangeIf you would like to order the Trim Kit from GE Service, pleasecall 800.GE.Cares and request part number WD08X10094 forBB models or WD08X10096 for WW or CC models.STEP 11: INSTALL MOUNTING BRACKETSYou will need the mounting brackets and 2 #8 hex-head screwsset aside in Step 1.You must install the mounting brackets onto the dishwashertub frame top or sides prior to sliding the dishwasher into placeunder the countertop.Install mounting brackets on top if the underside ofcountertop is wood or wood-like material that accepts screws:IMPORTANT - After installing brackets and beforeclosing the dishwasher door, adjust the brackets by bendingthem up as needed, so that they do not contact the top of thedishwasher door and cause damage.• If you are installing the dishwasher under a counter with ashort overhang, the countertop brackets may extend beyondthe edge of the counter. If this is the case, remove the excesslength by repeatedly bending the brackets at the front notchonly until they break.Install mounting brackets on sides if the countertop isgranite or similar material that will not accept wood screws:%UHDNRȺIURQWSRUWLRQRIWKHWDEZLWKSOLHUVDWWKHORFDWLRQshown, prior to attaching to dishwasher.• Position the left-hand side bracket as shown. Repeat with theright bracket.Dishwashertub frame#8 BracketScrewBracketBend and break hereafter installing ifcounter has a shortoverhang.Top MountingBracketDishwashertub frame#8 Bracketscrew assuppliedSide MountingBend and breakhere if necessaryDo not screw intocabinet face frameDo not pinchthe latchwires in#8 bracketscrewTub trim