This dishwasher may have a SmartDispense™ featurewhich automatically dispenses liquid automaticdishwasher detergent into each cycle based on soillevel and water hardness.To utilize the SmartDispense™ Detergent Dispenser,it must first be filled. Although any liquid or gelautomatic dishwashing detergent can be used inthe SmartDispense™ system, all liquid or gel automaticdishwashing detergents are not the same. Mostautomatic dishwashing detergents are chlorinebleach-based (such as Cascade®) while others containenzymes (such as Cascade Complete®).Do not mix any chlorine bleach-based automaticdishwashing detergent with any dishwashingdetergent containing enzymes as this could causethe detergents to congeal and lead to blockage ofthe SmartDispense™ system. Check the detergentlabel to determine if the detergent is chlorinebleach-based or one that contains enzymes. It isrecommended that the same type of detergent beused when refilling your SmartDispense™ system.CAuTIOn! Absolutely do not addpowder detergent, tablets or any liquid soap ordetergent normally used for washing hands ordishes in a sink. Only use liquid or gel detergentspecifically designed for use in an automaticdishwasher.¡prECAuCIÓn! Bajo ningunacircunstancia agregue detergente en polvo,tabletas, o jabón o detergente líquido normalmenteutilizado para lavar manos o platos en unfregadero. Sólo utilice detergente líquido o en gelespecíficamente diseñados para utilizar enlavaplatos automáticos.Filling dispenserTo open the dispenser for filling, push down andturn the blue cap counterclockwise until the capis loose. Lift cap off.Set the door at a comfortable angle to fill thedispenser.Aim the detergent bottle at the opening in the doorand begin to fill.The dispenser will hold 40 oz of liquid dishwasherdetergent (standard size bottle).When full, replace the cap and turn clockwiseuntil tight to ensure that no water enters theSmartDispense™ dispenser. If residue is left onthe door, it will be washed off in the next cycle.An indicator light will turn on to notify you when thedispenser needs to be filled again. After filling, thelight will not turn off until the door is closed. A fulldispenser will last approximately 1 month for theaverage user.nOTE: If you are not using SmartDispense™ and youwant to turn the lOW dETErGEnT lEd light off, pressthe AddEd HEAT pad 5 times within 3 seconds. You14Operating Instructions Safety InstructionsConsumer Support Troubleshooting Tipsusing the dishwasher.smartdispenseTM detergent dispenser (on some models)Light will turn on when it is time toTurn clockwise until tight.