Installation Instructions4UNPACKING AND INSPECTIONBe sure to check the entire softener for anyshipping damage or missing parts. Also notedamage to the shipping cartons. Contact thetransportation company for all damage and lossclaims. The manufacturer is not responsible fordamages in transit.Small parts needed to install the softener arepackaged either in a bag or box. To avoid lossof the small parts, keep them packaged until youare ready to use them. Be sure not to discardcomponents hidden in packaging.TOOLS AND MATERIALS REQUIREDFOR INSTALLATION• Teflon tape• Razor knife• One adjustable wrench• 1/2″ vinyl/pvc drain line (the length required willbe determined by your specific location)• Additional tools may be required if modificationto home plumbing is necessary.• In and out fittings included with the softenerare 1″ copper adapters. You should maintainthe same, or larger, pipe size as the water supplypipe, up to the softener inlet and outlet. Then,use the necessary adapters to connect thewater supply to the 1″ copper adapters.• Use the included bypass valve to install thesoftener. The bypass valve allows you to turn offwater to the softener for servicing, but still havewater pressure in the house pipes.• Use appropriate fitting/pipe material (i.e., copper,brass, galvanized or CPVC) to connect the 1″copper adapters to the house plumbing.• If a rigid valve drain is needed to comply withplumbing codes, you can buy the parts neededto connect a 1/2″ copper tubing or plastic pipedrain.• Clean nugget or pellet water softener salt isneeded to fill the brine tank.WHERE TO INSTALL THE SOFTENER• Place the softener as close as possible to asewer drain, or other acceptable drain pointor standpipe.• It is recommended to keep outside faucetson hard water to save soft water and salt.• Do not install the softener in a place where itcould freeze. Freeze damage is not covered bythe warranty.• Do not install the softener where it would blockaccess to the water heater or access to the mainwater shutoff.• Put the softener in a place where water damageis least likely to occur if a leak develops. Themanufacturer will not repair or pay for waterdamage.• A 120-volt electric outlet is needed to plug in theincluded transformer. The softener has a 10-footpower cable. If the outlet is remote (up to 100feet), use 18 gauge wire to connect. Be sure theelectric outlet and transformer are in an insidelocation, to protect from wet weather. Be surethe outlet is unswitched to prevent accidentalshutoff.• If installing in an outside location, you musttake the steps necessary to assure the softener,installation plumbing, wiring, etc., are as wellprotected from the elements (sunlight, rain, wind,heat, cold), contamination, vandalism, etc., aswhen installed indoors. Outdoor installation isnot recommended, and voids the warranty.• Keep the softener out of direct sunlight.The sun’s heat may distort non-metallicparts and may damage the electronics.