Installation InstructionsPLAN HOW YOU WILL INSTALLTHE SOFTENERYou must first decide how to run the inlet and outletpipes to the softener. Look at the house main waterpipe at the point where you will connect the softener.Is the pipe soldered copper, glued plastic orthreaded galvanized? What is the pipe size?WARNING: Use only lead-free solder andflux to prevent lead poisoning.See Typical Installation Illustration. Use this as a guidewhen planning your particular installation. Be sureto direct the incoming hard water supply to thesoftener valve inlet fitting. The valve is markedIN and OUT.5TYPICAL INSTALLATION ILLUSTRATIONSoftwaterMAIN WATER PIPEHard water12Vtransformer120-voltoutletBrinetank coverSALTGOESHEREBrinewellHard water tooutside faucetsFig. 1 CROSSOVERUse if water supply flowsfrom the left. Include singleor 3-valve bypass.HardwaterFromsofteneroutletSoftwaterTo softenerinletBypassvalveHard water tooutside faucetsInletvalveOutletvalveOUTLETMAIN WATER PIPEHard waterSoftwater120-voltoutlet12VtransformerBrinetank coverFig. 2 CROSSOVERUse if water supply flowsfrom the left. Include singleor 3-valve bypass.HardwaterFromsofteneroutletSoftwaterTo softenerinletNOTE: SeeDrain HoseConnectionssection.3-Valve BypassSystemFor soft waterservice:• Open the inletand outletvalves• Close thebypass valveFor bypass hardwater:• Close the inletand outletvalves• Open thebypass valveSALTGOESHEREBrinewellBrine lineOUTLETPipe couplerAdapterUnion nutBrine linePipe couplerAdapterUnion nutOPTIONAL 3-VALVE BYPASSINSTALLATION ILLUSTRATION