IPROBLEMSPOTSAND FILMIN[ON GLASSES ANDFLATWARECLOUDINESS C)NGLASSWARECHH?FW?GOF CHINAPOSSIBLE CAUSEAND REMEDYSpottingcanbe causedbyallthesethings:* Extreme]y hardwater.(Seepage6.)@Lowinletwatertemperature.(Totest,seepage6.)~ Overloadingthedishwasher.@Improperloading.(Seepages8 and9.)@Oldor damppowderdetergent.~ Phosphatelevelin detergenttoolow.(Seepage6.)~ Rinseagentdispenserempty.(Seepage6.)~ Toolittledetergent.(Seepage7.)Localwaterconditionsandpersonalpreferencesvary.Tryseveralbrandsofdetergentstofindonethatgivesthebestresultsforyou.A liquiddishwasherdetergentmayhelpreducefilming.To removestubborn spots and fihn from ghmwwe: metal utensils from the dishwasher.Do not add detergent.Select POTS/PANScycle.Start the dishwasher and allow to run for 15to 20 minutes. The dishwasherwill nowbe in the main wash.Then open the door and pour 2 cups (500 ml) of white vinegar into the bottom ofthe dishwasher.Close the door and allow to complete the cycle.If vinegar rinse doesn’t work: Repeat as above, except use 1/4cup (60 ml) of citricacid crystals instead of vinegar. (Most drugstores carry citric acid crystals. If yoursdoesn’t, call GE Factory Service.)Using a vinegar or citric acid crystal rinse more than twice a month? Consider a homewater softener.[f vinegar or citric acid crystal rinse doesn’twork, the cloudiness is “etching:’ The filmcannot be removed.It can be prevented: Useless detergentif youhavesoftwater.Washglasswarein theshortestcyclethatwill get themclean.Water temperature entering dishwasher exceeds 150°F.Rough handling can cause chipping. Load with care. Make sure glassware and chinaare secure and can’tjar loose. (See page 8 for correct way to load glassware.) Makesure tall glasses and stemware will clear the top of the tub when you push the rack intothe dishwasher.Always use the top rack for delicate items.