momm~ smETYInstructionsReadauimtrwtimsbeforeusingthi$appwince.=.. _- -----: ----- - ‘_ ‘- —.——W~G—When usingthisappliance,alwaysexercisebasicsafety precautions, including thefollowing:* Lkw this applianceonly forits ktended purpose, as youwill find describedh this Useand CM! Book.@This dishwashermust beproperlyinstalledand locatedin accordancewith theInstallationInstructionsbeforeit is used. If you did not receivean InstallationInstructionssheetwith your dishwasher,you canobtain one by contactingtheservice location nearestyou.—Thisappliancemust beconnected to a grounded metal,permanent wiring system;or anequipment-groundingconductormust be run with the circuitconductors and connectedto theequipment--groundingterminalor lead of the appliance.–Connect to a properly rated,protected and sized power-supplycircuittoavoidelectricaloverload.* Use only powder or liquiddetergents or wetting agentsrecommended for use in adishwasher.@Do not washplastic itemsunlessmarked “dishwasher safe” or theequivalent.For plasticitemsnot somarked, check the manufacturer’srecommendations.@Loadlight plasticitems sothey will not becomedislodged.and drop to the bottomof thedishwasher-—-theymightcomeinto contactwith the heatingunit and be damaged.‘lb minimizethe possibilityofhljury.* When loadingitemsto bewashed:A. Locate sharp items so thatthey are not likelyto damagethe door seal, andB. Load sharp kniveswith thehandlesup to reducethe riskof cut-typeinjuries.@Do not touch the heatingelement during or immediatelyafter use.@Do not operateyourdishwasherunless all enclosurepanels areproperly in place.@Do not tamper with controls.@Do not abuse, sit on, or standon the door or dish rack of thedishwasher.@Close supervision is necessaryif this applianceis used by or nearchildren. Do not allow childrento play inside, on or with thisappliance or any discardedappliance. Dispose of discardedappliances and shippingorpacking material properly.Before discarding a dishwasher,remove the door of the washingcompartment.3* KeepaH.washingdetergentsand wettingagentsout of thereach of children,preferablyina lockedcabinet. observe allwarningson containerlabelstoavoidpersonalinjury.@HYDROGEN GAS isproducedby the chemicalactionwithinyour waterheater. It canaccumulatein the water heaterand/or waterpipes if hot waterhas not been used for a period oftwoweeksor longer.HYDROGENGASIS EXPLOSIVE. Topreventthe possibilityof damageorinjury,if you havenot used hotwater for two weeksor more, ormoveinto a residencein whichthe hot water systemmay nothavebeen used for some time,turn on all hot water faucetsandallowthem to run for severalminutesbefore using anyelectrical appliancewhich isconnectedto the hot watersystem. This will allow anyhydrogengas to escape. Also,since the gas is flammable, donot smoke or use an open flameor applianceduring this process.sAvE~ms~INSTRUCTIONSW9al __Esiss --