Wdll Be ThereWith the purchase of your new GE appliance, receive theassurance fiat if you ever need information or assis~ncefrom GE, we’ll be there. Ml you have to do is cdl—toll-free!GEAnswer Center@80&626.2000In-Home RepakService800-GE-CARES@OO-M2-273~A GE Consumer Service professionalwill provide expert repair service,scheduled at a time that’s convenientfor you. Many GE Consumer Servicecompany-operated locations offer youservice today or tomorrow, or at yourconvenience (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.weekdays 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Satur-days). Our factory-trained techniciansknow your appliance inside and out—so most repairs can be handed in justone visit.Service Contracts800-626-~4You can have the secure feeling tiatGE Consumer Service will still bethere after your warranty expires. Pur-chase a GE contract while your war-ranty is still in effect and you’ll receivea substantial discount. With a multiple-year contract, you’re assured of futureservice at today’s prices.Patis andAccessories800-626-2002Individu& qutiled to service tieirom appliances can have neededparts or accessories sent direcdy totheir home, free of shipping charge!The GE parts system provides accessto over 47,000 parts . . . and dl GEGenuine Renewal Parts are fillywarranted. VISA, MasterCard andDiscover cards are accepted.User maintenance instructionscontied in this booMet cover p~dures intended to be performed byany user. Other servicing genetiyshould be referred to qufied ser-vice pemonnel. Caution must beexercised, since improper servicingmay cause unsafe operation.Whatever your question about any GEmajor appliance, GE Answer Cente@inf{)rmation service is available tohelp. Your cdl—and your question—will be answered prompdy andcourteously And you can cdl anytime. GE Answer Cente@ service isopen 24 hours a day 7 days a week.For Customers WtihSpecial Needs...80~62E2000Upon request, GE will provide Braillecontrols for a variety of GE appliances,and a brochure to assist in planning abarrier-free kitchen for persons withlimited mobility To obtain these itemsfree of charge, cdl 800.626.2000.Consumers with impaired hearingor speech who have access to a TDDor a conventional teletypewriter mayCd] 800-TDD-GEAC (800-833-4322)to request information or service.