Care and cleaning of the refrigerator. .OEAppliances.comDispenser drip area.Cleaning the OutsideThedispenser drip area, (on some models)beneadl dm _ille, should be xdped dry. Waterleft in this area may leave deposits. Removetile deposit.s by adding undiluted vinegar tothe well. Soak until the deposit.s disappearor become loose enough to rinse away.Thedispensercradle(on some models).Before cleaning, lock tile dispenser bypressing and holding the LOCKCONTROLpad for 3 seconds. Clean with warm waterand baking soda solution-about atablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda to aquart (1 1) of water. Rinse thoroughlyand wipe (hy.Thedoorhandlesand trim.Clean with acloth dampened with soapy water. Dpy_6tb a soft cloth.Keep theoutsideclean.Wipe wifll a cleanclofll lightly dampened with kitchenappliance wax or mild liquid dish detergent.DU and polish _4th a clean, sof_ cloth.Do not wipe the refrigeratorwith a soileddishcloth or wet towel Thesemayleavea residuethat canerode thepaint. Do not usescouringpads,powderedcleaners,bleachor cleanerscontainingbleachbecausetheseproductscanscratchand weakenthepaint finish.Cleaning the InsideTohelp prevent odors, leave an open box ofbaking soda in dm fi'esh food and freezercompartments.Unplugtherefrigeratorbeforecleaning.If dlisis not practical, wring excess lnoismre out ofsponge or cloth when cleaning aroundswitches, lights or controls.Use warm water and baking soda solution-about a tablespoon (15 ml) of baking sodato a quart (11) of water. This both cleansand neutralizes odors. Rinse and wipe (hy.After cleaning die door gaskets, apply a thinlayer of petroleum jelly to die door gasketsat the hinge side. This helps keep thegasket.s fi'Oln sticking and bending outof shape.Drainopening& freezercompartment.During yearly cleaning, reznove bottomfreezer basket and flush a solution of bakingsoda-1 teaspoon (5 ml) and 2 cups (500lnl) of hot (not boiling) water ithrough thedrain line with the help of a meat baster.This will help eliminate odor and reducethe likelihood of a clogged drain line. Ifdrain becomes clogged, use a meat basterand baking soda solution to force the clogthrough the drain line.Avoidcleaningcoldglass shelveswith hot waterbecausethe extremetemperaturedifferencemaycausethem to break.Handleglass shelvescarefully.Bumpingtemperedglass cancauseit toshatter.Do not wash anyplastic refrigeratorparts in thedishwasher.CondenserThere is no need for routine condensercleaning in normal home operatingenvironmems. However, in environmentsthat m W be particularly (tusb_or _'easy, tilecondenser should be cleaned periodicallyfor efficient refiigerator operation.Cleaning the condensecThe condenser is located inside the backof the refrigerator. To access it, first unplugtile refiigerator. Then remove tile accesscover. The condenser is on the tight side.11