Installation instructionsiNSTALLiNG THE WATER LINEBEFORE YOU BEGINRecommended copper water supply kits are WX8X2,WX8X3 or WX8X4, depending on the amount ofulbing you need. Approved plastic water supply linesare GE SmartConnecff MRefl'igerator Tubing(WX08X10002, WX08X10006, WX08X10015 andWX08X10025).When connecting your refrigerator to a GE ReverseOsmosis Water System, the only approved installationis with a GE RVKit. For other reverse osmosis watersystems, fbllow the rnam6imturer's recommendations.If the water supply to the refrigerator is from a ReverseOsmosis Water Filtration System AND the refrigeratoralso has a water filter, use the refrigerator's filter bypassplug. Using the refrigerator's water filtration cartridgein conjunction with the RO filter can result in hollowice cubes and slower water flow from the waterdispenser.This water line installation is not warranted by therefl'igerator or icemaker manufimmrer. Follow theseinstructions careflllly to minimize the risk of expensivewater dmnage.Water hmnmer (water banging in the pipes) in houseplumbing can cause dmnage to refrigerator parts andlead to water leakage or flooding. Call a qualifiedplumber to correct water hammer befbre installingthe water supply line to the refrigerator.To prevent burns and product damage, do not hooktip the water line to the hot water line.If you use your refrigerator befbre connecting thewater line, make sure the icemaker power switch is inthe 0 (off)position.Do not install the icemaker robing in areas wheretemperatures fall below freezing.When using any electrical device (such as a powerdrill) during installation, be sure the device is doubleinsulated or grounded in a manner to prevent thehazard of electric shock, or is battm T powered.All installations must be in accordance with localplumbing code requirements.WHAT YOU WILL NEED/• Copper or GE SmartConnecff u Refrigerator Tubingkit, l/4" outer diameter to connect the refrigerator tothe water supply. If using copper, be sure both ends ofthe tubing are cut square.To determine how much robing you need: measurethe distance from the water valve on the back of therefrigerator to the water supply pipe. Then add 8'(2.4 m). Be sure there is sufficient extra robing (about8' [2.4 m] coiled into 3 turns of about 10" [25 cm]diameter) to allow the refrigerator to move out fromthe wall after installation.GE SmartConnecff v Refrigerator Tubing Kits areavailable in the fbllowing lengths:2' (.6 m) -WX08X100026' (1.8 111) -WX08Xl000615' (4.6 m) -WX08X1001525' (7.6 111) - WX08X10025Be sure that the kit you select allows at least 8' (2.4 m)as described above.NOTE: The only GE approved plastic tubing is thatsupplied in GE SmartConnect TM Refrigerator Tubingkits. Do not use any other plastic water supply linebecause the line is under pressure at all times. Certaintypes of plastic will crack or rupture with age and causewater damage to your home.16