Press tab and pull shelfforward to removeSlide-Out Spillproof ShelfThe slide-out spillproot shelf alh)ws you toreach items stored behind othe_s. The spedaledges are designed to help prevent spills fl'()mdripping to lower shelves.To remove:Slide the shelf out tmtil it reaches the stop,then press down on the tab and slide the shelfstraight out.Toreplaceor relocate:I.ine the shelf uI_ with the suI_ports and slide itplace. The shelf can be repositioned whenthe door is at 90 ° or more. To reposifion theshell; slide the shelf past the stops and angledownward. Slide shelf down to the desiredposition, line up with the sui)ports and slideinto place.Make sure you push the shelves all the way back inbefore you close the doorOuickSpace TM ShelfThis shelf splits in half and slides trader itselftot storage of tall items on the shelf below.This shelf can be removed and replaced orrelocated just like Slide-Out Spillproof Shelves.On some models, this shelf can not be usedin the lowest position.iRemovable Beverage RackThe bexera,,e rack is designed to holda bottle on its side. It can be attached toany slide-out shelf.Toinstall:O i.ine up tile large part of the slots onthe top of the rack with the tabs traderthe shelf.Then slide the rack back to lock itm place.Door Wine/Beverage Rack (onsomemodels)This rack holds up to 5 cans, one bottle oI wineor one 2-liter bottle oI soda.The rack hangs from the sides of thedairy bin.To remove:Empb the wine/bexerage rack.Holding the bottom of the &fir)bin,lift the fl'ont straight up, then lift upand ()tit.O To detach the rack fl'om the dairy bin,pull the rack's side wires out of the holeson each side of the dairx bin.Toreplace:O Reattach the rack to the sides ot the bin.Engage the back side of the bin in themolded sui)i)orts on the dora; Then pushdown on the fl'ont of tile bin. Tile bin willlock into place.11