Installation InstructionsINSTALLING THE WATER LINEBEFORE YOU BEGINThe water line installation is not warranted bv therefligerator or icemaker manufacturer. Follow theserecommendations careflfllv to minimize the risk ofexpensive water damage._'ater hammer (water banging in the pipes) in housei)lmnbing can cause damage to refl'igerator parts andlead to water leakage or flooding. Call a qualifiedplmnber to correct water hammer betore installingthe water sui)ply line to the refl'igerator.To prevent burns and product damage, do not hookup the water line to the hot water line.If wm use wmr refl'igerator before connecting tilewater line, inake sure the icelnaker power switch isin the 0 (off) position.Do not install the icemaker tubing in areas wheretemi)eratures tall below fl'eezing.When using any electrical device (such as a powerdrill) during installation, be sure the device isinsulated or wired in a maimer to i)revent the hazardof electric shock.All installations must be in accordm_ce with localplmnbhlg code requirements.Installation of the icemaker must be done by aqualified service tech_ficim_.a, WARNING!Connect to potablewater sui)plv only.[] CONNECT THE TUBING TO THEREFRIGERATORNOTES:• Before making tile connection to tile refl'igerator,be sure tile refl'igerator power cord is notplugged into the wall outlet.• We recommend installing a water filter ifwmrwater SUl)ply has sand or particles that could clogthe screen of the refrigerator's water wove. Installit in tile water line near tile refl'igerator.[] CONNECT THE TUBING TO THEREFRIGERATOR (CONT.)Some models hm e file refl'igerator comlectionat the end of tubing located outside the compressorcompartment access cover, On other models, theCOllll)I'essor COml)artment access coveF IlltlSt be relllovedin order to access the refi'igemtor c(mnection at thewater valve,On models using therefl'igeration connection atthe water valve, remove theplastic flexible cap,©Place the compression nut and tbrmle (sleexe) onto theend of the tubing as shown,Insert the end of the tubing into the water xalxeconnection as tier as possible. While holding the tubing,tighten the fitting,Fasten the tubing into the clamp proxided to hold it in avertical position, _%u ma} need to i)i) open the clamp,One of the illustrations below will look like theconnection on your icemaker,ClamTypicalCompressionNutFerruleTubingTypicalCompressionNutFerrule(sleeve)RefrigeratoronnectionTubingRefrigeratorReattach the access coxec28