Installation InstructionsROLLERSThe rollers have 3 purposes:• Rolle_ a@lst so the door closes easily when openedabout hallway: [Raise the fl'ont about 5/8" (16 ram)fl'om the flooi:]• Rolle_ at!just so the refiJgerator is fi_mly positionedon the floor and does not wobble.• Rollet_ allow you to move the reti_igerator away fromthe wall fi_r cleaning.Final leveling a(!jtlstments should be made after thereiiigerator has been installed.To adjust the rollers on 25', 27' mad 29' models:• Turn the rollera(!justing sci'e_vsdockwise to raisethe reti_igerato_;comaterclockwise tolower it. Use a 3/8"hex socket or wrench,or an ac!justable Xwrench, RolleradjustingscrewTo adjust the rollers on 21' mad 23' models:O Remoxe the base _rille by o )enmg the (loot_,removino_ the screws at each end, and I_ullin°_ itstraight Otlt.Turn the fl'ont roller ) I1 11adjustino screwsclockwise to raisethe refl_igeratoi;comlterclockwise tolower it. Lse a 3/8hex socket or wrench,or an ac!justablewrench. Roller adjusting screwsThese models also have rear a(!justable rollers so w,ucan align the reliJgerator with )'our kitchen cabinets.Use a long-handled 5/16" socket wrench to turn thescre_vs fi)r the rear rollei_-_clockwise to raise thereli_igeratot; comlterclockwise to lower it.0 Replace the base grille.DOOR ALIGNMENT_dter leveling, make sure that the reli_igerator door is 1/16"higher than the ti'eezer doo_:To align the doors, a(!iust the reliigerator doo_:Using a 7/16" socket wrench, turn the door ac!justingscrew to the right to raise the dooi; to the left to h)werit. (A nyhm plug, imbedded in the threads of the pin,prevents the pin ti'om turning unless a wrench is used.)O _Mter one or two ttlI'ns of the wrench, open and closethe refiJgerator door and check the alignment at thetop ot the (loo_.Refrigeratordoorneedsto be raised.Toremovethe basegrille,openthe doors,rernovethe screwat eachendofthe basegrilleandthenpull the grillestraightout.7/16" SocketWrench]@ RaiseI26