ADJUSTABLE FEATURESSX TRANSISTOR CONTROLS Page 60October 1998Section 6.5 Summary of Current Limit AdjustmentsZEROMAXIMUMZEROMAXIMUMFIELD CURRENTARMATURE CURRENTThe " minimum fieldcurrent" setting is adjustedby Function 7. The functionsets the top speed of themotor.The " maximum field current"setting is adjusted by Function 8.This function, along with the"maximum armature current"(Function 4), sets the maximumtorque of the motor.The " maximum armaturecurrent" setting is adjusted byFunction 4. The function along withthe "maximum field current"(Function 8) sets the maximumtorque of the motor.The " field weakening start"setting is adjusted by Function 24.This function sets the armaturecurrent at which minimum fieldcurrent will achieved .The " ratio" setting is adjusted by Function 26.This function sets the ratio between armatureand field current when transitioning fromminimum field to maximum field current. Settingis the value of field current changed for each 100amps of armature current changed.The "full load transition point"is calculated by the control.Thisfunction sets the maximum fieldcurrent transition point atapproximately 80% of themaximum armature current.The " error compensation " setting is adjusted byFunction 27. This function is used to reduce the ripplein field current due to the interaction between motorfield design and the digital field current regulationcircuit. The value for this function will be defined by theGE application engineer.