Usingthe clock and timer, ge.comNot all features are on all models.i ii _iii i i:l%tortQk °n )Make sure the clock is set to thecorrect time of day.To Set the ClockThe clock must be set to file correct timeof day for tile automatic oven timingflmcfions m work properly. Tile time ofday cannot be changed during a delayedcooking or a delayed self-cleaning cycle.[] Touch tile Clock pad twice.[_ Touch tile + or - pads.If the + or - pads are not touched withinone minute after you touch tile Clockpad, tile display reverts to tile originalsetting. If dds happens, touch tile Clockpad twice and reenter tile time of day.[_] Touch tile Start/On pad until tiletime of day shows in tile display. Thisenters tile time and starts tile clock.Tocheckthetimeof daywhenthedisplayisshowingotherinformation,simplytouchtheClock pad.Thetimeofdayshowsuntilanotherpad is touched.To Turn Off the Clock DisplayIf you have several clocks in your kitchen,you may wish to turn off tile time of dayclock display on your range.[_ Touch tile Clock pad once to turnoff tile time of day display; Akhoughyou will not be able to see it, tileclock maintains tile correct timeof day.Touch tile Clock pad twice to recalltile clock display:O(_tchen_kZimOn/OffThe timer is a minute timer only.The Clear/Off pad does not affect thetimer.To Set the TimerThetimerdoesnotcontrolovenoperations.Themaximumsettingon thetimeris9 hoursand59 minutes.Touch tile Kitchen timer On/Off pad.Touch file + or - pads until tileamount of time you want shows intile display. Tile maximum time thatcan be entered in minutes is 59.Times more than 59 minutes shouldbe changed to hours and minutes.If youmakea mistake,touchtheKitchen timerOn/Offpad andbeginagain.% Touch tile Start/On pad. Tile timewill start counting down, akhoughtile display does not change un61one minute has passed.x_qlen tile timer reaches :00, tilecontrol will beep 3 times followedby one beep every 6 seconds until tileKitchen timer On/Off pad is touched.To Reset the TimerIf file display is still showing file timeremaining, you may change it by touchingtile Kitchen timer OR/Off pad, thentouching tile + or - pads until tile timeyou want appears in tile display.If die remaining time is not ill file display(clock, start time or cooking time are infile display), recall file remaining time bytouching file Kitchen timer On/Off pad anddlen touching tile + or - pads to enter tilenew time you want.To Cancel the timerTouch tile Kitchen timer On/Offpad twice.77