Usingthe surface units, geoomThroughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model//1 !Be sure you turn the control knob toOFFwhen you finish cooking.How to SetPush the Mlob in and ulrn in eitherdirection to the setting you want.At both OFFand HI the control clicksinto position. You may hear slightclickingsounds dudng cooking,indicating the control is maintaining yourdesired setting.A surface unit ON indicator light willglow when any surface unit is on.1"Not over I inch.Surface Cookware TipsUse medium- or heax3,-weigbt cookware.Aluminum cookware conducts heat fasmrthan other metals. Cast-iron and coamdcast-iron cookware are slow to absorbheat, but generally cook evenly at low mmedium heat settings. Smel pans m Wcook unevenly if not combined withother met_fls.For best cooking results, pans should befiat on the bottom. Match the size of thesaucepan m the size of the surface unit.The pan should not exmnd over theedge of the surface unit more than 1".Use only flat-bottomed woks.Wok CookingWerecommendthat youuseonlya flat-bottomedwok. Theyareavailableat yourlocalretailstore.Do not use woEs dlat have support rings.Placing the ring over the surface unit willcause a buildup of heat that will damagethe porcelain cookmp.Do not use round bottom woks. Youcould be seriously burned if the woktipped ove_.Home Canning TipsBe sure the canner is centered over thesurface unit.Use recipes and procedures flomreputable sources. These are availableflom manufacturers such as Ball ®andKerI _ and the Deparnnent of AgricultureExmnsion Se_Mce.To prevent burns flom steam or heat, usecaution when canning.5