Care and cleaning of the range.Be sure the controls are turned to OFFand the surface units are cool before attempting to remove them.'DripCooktoptab rimSurface UnitsTo clean the st/rface units, tt/rn the control tothe highest setting for a minute, The coils willburn off any soil.Toremovea surfaceunit:To remove the diip pans for cleaning,the surface units must be removed first,When properly seated, the locking []tab should lock onto the cooktop rimthrough the notch in the drip pan.Push the surface unit back toward thereceptacle to flee the locking tab florathe cooktop.SurfaceuToreplacea surfaceunit[_ Replace the drip pan into the recess inthe cooktop. Make sure the opening inthe pan lines up with the receptacle.[] Insert the temfinals of the surface unitthrough the opening in the drip parkand into the receptacle.Lockingtab_ockingraeDriu3anReceotacle_] Lift the surface unit about 1 inch abovethe drip pan and pull it out.Donotlift thesurfaceunitmorethanI inch.If youdo,it maynotlie flatonthedrippanwhenyouplugit backin.NOTE."Repeated lifting of the surface unitmore than 1 inch aboxe the di'ip pan canpermanently damage the receptacle.[_ Push the surface unit in and down tolock the tab in place so it rests evenly inthe cooktop.Donotimmersethesurfaceunitsinliquidsofanykind.Donotcleanthesurfaceunitsina dishwashe_Donotbendthesurfaceunitplugterminals.Donotattempttoclean,adjustorinanywayrepairtheplug-inreceptacle.Drip PansRemox_ the surface units. Then lift ()tit thedrip pans.For best results, clean the drip pans byhand. Place them in a coxered container(or a plastic bag) with V, cup ammonia mloosen the soil. Rinse with clean wamr andpolish with a clean soft cloth.The drip pans may also be cleaned in adishwasherClean the area under the di'ip pans often.Built-up soil, especially grease, m W catch fire.Donotcoverthedrippanswithfoil.Usingfoilsoclosetothereceptaclecouldcauseshock,fireordamagetotherange.NOTE'.If yourco&topisequippedwithshiny,silver-coloreddrippans,donotcleanthemin theself-cleaningoven.Permanentdamagetothefinishcan OCCUF.If yourcooktopisequippedwithblackorgrayporcelain-coateddrippans,theycanbecleanedin theovenduringtheself-cleaningcycle.Beforeyoubeginaself-cleaningcycle,removeanyheavysoilfromthedrippansandplacethemontheporcelain-coatedovenshelves.Donotplacethedrippansdirectlyontheovenbottom.Aftertheself-cleaningcycleiscompletedandthedrippansarecoot,wipethemwitha dampclothtoremoveanyremainingashorresidue.Be sure all surface units are turnedoff before raising the cooktop.22Lift-Up CooktopTheentirecooktopmaybeliftedupandsupportedintheuppositionforeasiercleaning.The surface units do not need to beremoxed; howexei; you may remoxe one tomake raising the cooktop easier There aretwo side supports that lock into position whenthe cooktop is lifted tip.After cleaning under the cooktop with hot,mild soap}.'water and a clean cloth, lower thecooktop. Be carefid not to pinch your fingers.To lower the cooktop, push the rods backand gently lower the cooktop until it restsin place.