Gravies and Sauces1. Cover thick, chunky sauces to prevent spattering. 3. Vary basic white sauce by adding cheese, egg yolks, cream,2. Whisk sauces vigorously with wire whisk once or twice while wine or herbs.microwaving.Food Container Cover Time CommentsGravies andsauces thickenedwith flour orcornstarch (1 CUP)Melted buttersauces, clarifiedbutter (1/2 cup)Thick spaghetti,barbecue orsweetisour sauces(2 cups)Thin, liquid sauces(au jus, clam, etc.)(1 cup)Casserole No 4X to 6X min. Microwave fat, flour and salt togetherto melt and blend. Whisk in liquid andfinish microwaving. Increase time 1 to2 minutes per additional cup of sauce.Glass measure No 1/2 to 2 min. Microwave butter just to melting. Forclarified butter, bring to boil then letstand until layers separate. Pour offand use clear, top layer.Casserole Yes 4 to 7 min. Prepare as directed in recipe.Microwave, stirring after half ofcooking time. Let stand 5 to 10 tominutes develop flavor.Casserole No 5 to 8 min. Add flour-water mixture to heatedingredients. Stir well and microwaveto finish.Meats1. Always use a cooking bag when cooking beef, lamb, pork or 3. Allow about 10 minutes standing time for most roasts beforeveal roasts. See package instructions for proper use of cooking carving.bag.2. After enclosing roast in cooking bag, place in microwave-safe If you use a meat thermometer while cooking, make suredish. it is safe for use in microwave ovens.Food Container Cover Time CommentsBeefGround, crumbled Casserole No(for casserolesor soup)(1 lb.)(1% lbs.)Meatballs Round dish Wax paper or(1 lb.) plastic wrap(2 lbs.)Meatloaf Pie plate Plastic wrap(round loa~Patties Ceramic Wax paper(4 patties per lb.) dinner plate1 to 2 patties3 to 4 patties4 to 7 min.6 to 9 min.5 to 8 min.8 to 12 min.25 to 29 min.1 to 4 min.4 to 7 min.Stir after half of cooking time. Addsauce or casserole ingredients andfinish. To cook frozen block,microwave 10 to 15 minutes,breaking up and stirring every5 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes.Arrange 3/4 to 1 inch apart in circlearound edge of dish.Make a well between the edge of meatmixture and dish to eliminate spilloverof juices during cooking. Let stand10 minutes after cooking.Cover with wax paper or cookuncovered and turn patties over. Ifdesired add browning sauce.(continued next page)19