7Safety Instructions Operating Instructions Care and Cleaning Troubleshooting Tips Consumer Supportwww.GEAppliances.comTones at the End of a Timed CycleAt the end of a timed cycle, 3 short beeps willsound followed by one beep every 6 seconds untilthe CLEAR/OFF pad is pressed. This continuous 6second beep may be canceled.To cancel the 6 second beep:Press the BAKE and BROIL HI/LOpads at the same time for 3 secondsuntil the display shows SF.Press the KITCHEN TIMER ON/OFFpad. The display shows CON BEEP(continuous beep). Press theKITCHEN TIMER ON/OFF padagain. The display shows BEEP.(This cancels the one beep every6 seconds.)Press the START pad.12 Hour, 24 Hour or Clock Black-OutYour control is set to use a 12 hour clock.If you would prefer to have a 24 hourmilitary time clock or black-out the clockdisplay, follow the steps below.Press the BAKE and BROIL HI/LOpads at the same time for 3 secondsuntil the display shows SF.Press the CLOCK pad once. Thedisplay will show 12 hr. If this is thechoice you want press the STARTpad.Press the CLOCK pad again to changeto the 24 hour military time clock. Thedisplay will show 24 hr. If this is the choiceyou want press the START pad.Press the CLOCK pad again to black-out the clock display. The display willshow OFF. If this is the choice you wantpress the START pad.NOTE: If the clock is in the black-out mode youwill not be able to use the Delay Start function.Changing the Speed of the + or – PadsAs you use the + or – pads when setting a timeor temperature, you may notice the displaychanges slowly. This special feature allows you tochange the speed. To set the speed you prefer,follow the steps below.Press the BAKE and BROIL HI/LOpads at the same time for 3 secondsuntil the display shows SF.Press any + pad. The display willshow you a set speed between 1and 5.Press any + pad to increase thespeed up to the number 5.Press any – pad to decrease thespeed down to the number 1.Press START to activate the settingand leave the control set in thisspecial features mode.or