GEAppliances.comNon-Self-Clean Oven Interior RQVWDQGDUGFOHDQPRGHOVRURQORZHURYHQWith proper care, the porcelain enamel finishRQWKHLQVLGHRIWKHRYHQ³WRSERWWRPVLGHVEDFNDQGLQVLGHRIWKHGRRU³ZLOOVWD\QHZlooking for years.Let the oven cool before cleaning. Werecommend that you wear rubber gloves whencleaning the oven.Soap and water will normally do the job. Heavyspattering or spillovers may require cleaningwith a mild abrasive cleaner. Soap-filled scouringpads may also be used.Do not allow food spills with a high sugar orDFLGFRQWHQW VXFKDVWRPDWRHVVDXHUNUDXWIUXLWMXLFHVRUSLHILOOLQJ WRUHPDLQRQWKHVXUIDFHThey may cause a dull spot even after cleaning.Household ammonia may make the cleaningjob easier. Place 1/2 cup in a shallow glass orpottery container in a cold oven overnight. Theammonia fumes will help loosen the burned-ongrease and food.If necessary, you may use an oven cleaner.Follow the package directions. Do not spray oven cleaner on the electricalcontrols and switches because it could causea short circuit and result in sparking or fire. Do not allow a film from the cleaner to buildXSRQWKHWHPSHUDWXUHVHQVRU³LWFRXOGFDXVHWKHRYHQWRKHDWLPSURSHUO\ 7KHVHQVRULVORFDWHGDWWKHWRSRIWKHRYHQ &DUHIXOO\ZLSHthe sensor clean after each oven cleaning,being careful not to move the sensor as achange in its position could affect how theoven bakes. Do not spray any oven cleaner on the ovendoor, handles or any exterior surface ofthe oven, cabinets or painted surfaces. Thecleaner can damage these surfaces.Wire cover holderOven Light Bulb RQVRPHPRGHOVCAUTION: Before replacing youroven light bulb, disconnect the electrical powerto the oven at the main fuse or circuit breakerpanel.Be sure to let the light cover and bulb coolcompletely.To remove the cover:Hold a hand under the cover so it doesn’tfall when released. With fingers of thesame hand, firmly push back the wirecover holder. Lift off the cover.Do not remove any screws to remove the cover.Replace bulb with a 40-watt appliancebulb.To replace the cover:Place it into grooves of the lightreceptacle. Pull wire forward to the centerof the cover until it snaps into place.Connect electrical power to the oven.Oven Light Bulb RQVRPHPRGHOVNOTE: 7KHJODVVFRYHU RQVRPHPRGHOV VKRXOGbe removed only when cold. Wearing latex glovesmay offer a better grip.Before replacing the bulb, disconnect electricalpower to the oven at the main fuse or circuitbreaker panel. Let the bulb cool completelybefore removing it. For your safety, do nottouch a hot bulb with a damp cloth. If you do,the bulb will break.To remove:Turn the glass cover counterclockwise 1/4turn until the tabs of the glass cover clear thegrooves of the socket. Remove the bulb.To replace:Put in a new 40-watt appliance bulb. Place thetabs of the glass cover into the grooves of thesocket. Turn the glass cover clockwise 1/4 turn.NOTE: A 40-watt appliance bulb is smaller than astandard 40-watt household bulb. Install and tighten the cover clockwise. Reconnect electrical power to the oven. For improved lighting inside the oven, cleanthe glass cover frequently using a wetcloth. This should be done when the oven iscompletely cool.BulbSocketTabMaxlength31ø2”Glass cover17