When the microwave ovenis off, you may operate thevent fan:1 Press the Vent Fan padonce for high fan speed.2 Press the Vent Fan pad asecond time for low fanspeed.3 Press the Vent Fan pada third time to turn thefan off.When the microwaveis on, the vent fan willautomatically turn on atlow fan speed, stay on whilethe microwave is operatingand automatically turn offafter the microwave goesoff if the Vent Fan pad isnot pressed.When the microwave ovenis on you may also:1 Press the Vent Fan padonce for high fan speed.2 Press the Vent Fan pad asecond time for low fanspeed.3 Press the Vent Fan pada third time to set the fanto turn off automaticallyafter the microwavegoes off.If the vent fan is stilloperating after themicrowave goes off, pressthe Vent Fan pad until itturns off.NOTE: The vent fan cannotbe turned off while themicrowave is operating.Vent FanOperating InstructionsOther Features Your Model May Have28